Removing aphids - a topic that affects every garden owner at some point. It's good if you can rely on natural home remedies.
Every hobby gardener has certainly experienced this before: you are enjoying the beautiful flowers and suddenly you discover the nasty little monsters. Thousands of aphids attack the flowers and leaves with their proboscis and destroy everything that is beautiful and green.
Don't panic, you can remedy the situation without having to use the chemical bludgeon. Either you collect stinging nettles and use the leaves to make a brew, or you use the ladybug as a collector.
Remove aphids with nettle broth
Let's get to the nettle brew. Prepare a decoction from the freshly collected leaves with the help of boiling water. That is, the boiling water is poured over the nettles. The nettles must now soak in the cooled brew for at least two days. If everything is well drawn, you can pour off the leaves. Now spray the plants infested with aphids with the remaining liquid.
It is important that you do not spray in direct sunlight. Otherwise it can happen that the leaves and flowers get unsightly brown spots. Incidentally, this nettle stock also helps against powdery mildew and spider mites.
Have aphids removed from ladybugs
If you have plenty of ladybugs in your garden, you can count yourself lucky, because the little black-spotted beetles love to eat aphids. What many gardeners don't even know is that ladybug larvae are already powerful aphid killers.
If you want to create a pleasant habitat for the ladybugs and thus promote their reproduction, then leave the leaves under shrubs and perennials. This gives the ladybirds an optimal winter quarters.Do you know any other natural home remedies to remove aphids? Then simply write a comment below.