Roses have very deep roots and are sensitive to overhead irrigation. So here are our tips on how and when to water roses.
The rose requires a high level of care in order to be the queen of flowers. In addition to its attractive, bright flowers, the plant also impresses with a strong and bushy plant structure and with he althy, lush green foliage. This is a great achievement that the rose accomplishes and demands enormous energy from it. For this power, it sucks up nutrients from the soil. The soil moisture has to be right. It is therefore extremely important to water the royal plant well and regularly. But beware! Too much of the "good" is just as harmful as too little of it. We want to give you some advice on how best to water your roses.Younger roses need to be watered more often
Lack of water is the most common cause of dying plants. The rose is not excluded from this either. New plantings in autumn and spring are particularly affected. This is because the root structure is not yet sufficiently developed. Newly planted roses can dry up in dry, windy autumn or winter, but also in dry and sunny spring. Therefore, you must water your rose planting at least once a week.
Older roses take care of themselves
Roses are deep-rooters that can draw up water and nutrients from a depth of 3 - 6 meters. If they have "gained a foothold" in their location, then you only need to water the plant in severe drought. Otherwise, roses take care of themselves very well with the available moisture in deeper soil layers.
How to water your roses correctly
It is advisable to use a watering can to water your rose. Use it to water the root area around the plant. It is important that the water seeps away gradually and does not run away. So take breaks. Your goal should be to soak the soil about 50cm deep. To do this, plan at least three consecutive waterings totaling around 10-15 liters of water per rose plant.
➤ The best time to water roses is early to late in the morning. The plant thus becomes the possibilitygiven to dry off again if leaves were wetted.
➤ When you water your roses, always keep them close to the ground. Never wet the leaves - fungal diseases can result.
➤ You should not water in the midday heat, because the plants are stressed by the strong sunlight. Drops of water can then quickly burn the leaves.
➤ Because the soil does not dry out overnight, roses should not be watered in the evening either. Otherwise the moisture will evaporate and settle on the leaves. This film of moisture on the leaves is an excellent breeding ground for fungal diseases such as blackspot, powdery mildew and rose rust.
Signs of drought damage
The growth of the roses appears stunted and drought damage can be seen on the leaves. So young leaves are smaller than normal. In addition, young shoots and buds appear limp. Ultimately, entire shoots can dry up and burn the flower in the bud.