Propagating hibiscus with cuttings

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Buying hibiscus plants for a hedge can be expensive. Propagating your hibiscus with cuttings is easy on the wallet.

Hibiscus hedges and southern Europe belong together, like vineyards on the Rhine and Moselle. But the hardy hibuscus also thrives here in Central Europe as a hedge. However, a few plants are required for this and that can cost money if the hobby gardener fetches the young plants from the nursery. After all, two plants are needed per meter of hedge.

If you want to save money, you can grow the necessary plants for the exotic blooming privacy screen from cuttings yourself. We would like to show you how best to tackle this.

Hibiscus cuttings root best in summer

For your cuttings, cut off shoots from your hibiscus in summer. Because during the warm season, from May to July, the cuttings root best. In addition, the hibiscus is in an optimal development phase at this time. We recommend the following steps:

The cuttings from your hibiscus should be about 12 inches long. Therefore select long, new and he althy shoots. Then cut it diagonally - at an angle of 45 degrees. Make sure the shoots are strong, soft and green. Be sure to use this year's new shoots. Now remove the lower leaves of your cut cuttings.

Then dip the cuttings with the cutting edge in rooting hormones (available here) or cover them with rooting powder. It is now up to you how to root your hibiscus cuttings: in compost or in water.

Root hibiscus cuttings in compost

1Have you decided to root in compost soil? Then place the cuttings about 4 to 5 centimeters deep in a pot filled with moist compost. Then cover the pot with a plastic bag or an upside down clear plastic bottle with the neck cut off. Underneath, a microclimate develops, which has an excellent effect on the rooting of the cuttings. If you use a plastic bag, make sure it contains the seedlingsnot touched.

Now keep the potted seedlings moist regularly and do not place them in direct sunlight. After about a month or two, the cuttings will have taken root.

Root hibiscus cuttings in water

2If you root your cuttings in water, you can see how the roots gradually develop. First, fill a glass with water up to a water level of 5 centimeters. Then put a seedling in it and place the glass in a bright place. However, avoid direct sun. Now put a plastic bag over the glass and spray the cutting with water once a day.

It is important that each cutting is placed in a separate glass. This will prevent a strain of bacteria from developing under the seedlings.

It is advisable to change the water every 2 to 3 days while the cuttings are rooting before planting. If possible, use rainwater for this. If not available, you can also use tap water. However, this should be left in a bucket for at least 24 hours so that the chlorine can break down.

Once the new roots are 3 to 5 inches long, place the seedlings in moist compost. They should not be exposed to direct sun for a few months. This allows the roots to develop optimally.