Core the pomegranate - 2 variants

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Pomegranates are super delicious, but pitting them is a hassle. Here you will find 2 instructions with video on how to do it easier.

When it gets colder outside, pomegranates are in high season again. The small red seeds in the fruit are sweet and can be perfectly combined with pineapple, for example.

But such a pomegranate has it all. While most fruits peel off their skins easily, pomegranates often do. The juice will splatter and if you're not careful, the kitchen will look like a battlefield and you won't get out of it clean either.
It is therefore necessary to find a technique in which the pomegranate lands cleanly in the bowl without making a kitchen mess.

Seed the pomegranate - the preparation

Before you cut the pomegranate, you should knead it with your hands for a while. You can also roll this on the worktop from all sides. This loosens the seeds from the skin in advance and you also get more juice.

Core the pomegranate - 2 techniques

Several techniques have already proven themselves for decoring. In any case, the important thing is that it doesn't splatter and that you get the kernels out of the shell as far as possible intact. It's best to try all the options to decide for yourself which one is better.

➤ Pit pomegranate - The tapping technique

Now that the pomegranate is kneaded nice and soft, you can grab a knife and start. You will also need a bowl to collect the seeds in.

✽ Step 1: Use a sharp knife to cut the pomegranate in two. To do this, don't cut the pomegranate all the way through like you would with a normal apple, just cut the edge. It's easy to break through afterwards.

✽ Step 2: Now make two more incisions per half. Be careful not to cut through. (Works without cutting again)

✽ Step 3: Now you can hold the red fruit over the bowl and tap the skin of the pomegranate with a wooden spoon. More and more seeds come loose and collect in the bowl undamaged.

✽ Step 4: Finally, simply remove the white skins. These contain tannic acid and taste very bitter.

This video shows the tapping technique again in detail:

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➤ Pit pomegranate - The water technique

If you don't want to tap the pomegranate with a wooden spoon, you can also pit the pomegranate in water.

Again, cut the pomegranate in half. Then fill a bowl with water and place half of the apple in it. Now loosen the seeds from the skins in the water.

The advantage of this method is that you don't get yourself and the kitchen dirty. In addition, the seeds are much easier to remove in the water.

While the pits settle to the bottom of the bowl, the skins float to the top for easy collection.

Here is a short video about it:

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