Tomatoes are in high season in summer. They often grow back faster than you can eat them. The right storage decides on the enjoyment and shelf life of the delicious tomatoes.
Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetables in Germany. You can now buy them all year round, as they are also grown in greenhouses. Tomatoes are also popular to grow in your own garden. In some years, the harvest is so large that it is not possible to process or eat the fruit in the same way.You can store your tomatoes at home, but there are a few important things to keep in mind. Because if the tomatoes are stored incorrectly, they lose their flavor pretty quickly.
Storing tomatoes correctly
➤ Do not refrigerate tomatoes
You can easily store many types of vegetables in the refrigerator, some even have to be stored in a cool place. This doesn't apply to tomatoes though, for them the fridge is the completely wrong place to keep them.
If you have really bought or harvested too large a quantity of tomatoes, the refrigerator can serve as a temporary solution in exceptional cases. However, you should then take the tomatoes out of the refrigerator two days before you plan to use them. You can then fully develop your taste again until you eat it.
➤ Tips for storing tomatoes correctly
The refrigerator only serves as a solution in an emergency. Otherwise, the tomatoes are simply stored at room temperature.
» Tip 1: Always remove the tomatoes from the packaging immediately after purchase. You would quickly start to mold under the foil. Simply removing the protective film is not enough. The tomatoes also need to be removed from the plastic tray to allow them to breathe.
» Tip 2: Only wash the tomatoes just before eating. Otherwise they will shrivell up and they won't taste as good as they did before.
» Tip 3: It is best to place the tomatoes in a basket or bowl and place them in an airy, dry and slightly dark place in the kitchen.
» Tip 4: Make sure theTomatoes should never be stacked on top of each other in the bowl. It is better if they are spread out flat.
» Tip 5: You can achieve a longer shelf life if you do not remove the green from the vine tomatoes.
» Tip 6: Store your tomatoes separately from other fruits and vegetables. Tomatoes give off the gas ethene, which can cause other fruits and vegetables to spoil more quickly.
» Tip 7: You can store tomatoes for up to a week without losing any of their quality or taste. If the tomatoes are not quite ripe yet, you can place them in a sunny spot so that they can ripen a little longer. The windowsill would be ideal for this purpose.
» Tip 8: Only eat tomatoes when they are absolutely ripe. Green tomatoes contain the toxic solanine, which can even be fatal in large amounts.