The good news: the spherical locust is relatively easy to care for and hardy. However, there are a few things you should know about the house tree.

Watering the spherical locust correctly
Hobby gardeners can't really go wrong here. Regular watering is only necessary in the first few weeks and months after planting. Then the fluid requirement is particularly high. So don't forget to water the spherical robinia regularly, but not too lavishly, so that it doesn't lead to waterlogging. If the irrigation water can only drain poorly because the substrate seems too heavy and firm, the moisture accumulates in the soil and the roots are attacked. This can quickly lead to the death of the plants, especially in the case of young and not yet sufficiently developed plants.
Older plants usually provide themselves with moisture and usually get by with rainwater. The spherical robinia only requires water when there are longer dry phases and should then be watered sporadically.
Fertilize Robinia correctly
The spherical robinia has a moderate nutrient requirement. However, the plants do not cope well with poor soil. Therefore, when preparing the soil before planting, not only should the permeability of the substrate be taken into account, but the substrate should also be upgraded accordingly. Soil preparation also includes loosening the substrate by adding gravel or sand. On this occasion, the excavation can be mixed with compost. In this way, the plants receive all the nutrients they need when they are planted and can take care of themselves with the organic fertilizer. An additionalFertilization is not necessary.
Robinia as a container plant - what should be considered?
Cultivation in a tub requires a little more care. Since the supply of substrate in the plant pot seems limited, the spherical locust in the pot must be watered regularly. As described, water moderately so that the water does not accumulate in the planter.
» Tip: The planters should have sufficient drainage holes.
Waterlogging can also be prevented if you put gravel or lava granules on the bottom of the planter and then fill in the substrate. Water the spherical locust regularly during the growth phase and make sure that the plants do not dry out in winter. You can ensure that the potted plant has sufficient nutrients by adding compost or horn shavings or by applying a low concentration of liquid fertilizer during the growth phase.
Special features when caring for the spherical robinia
The plants are particularly robust and require little care. Note, however, how vigorous the growth of the false acacia is. The plants form lush crowns of up to five meters in diameter. Therefore, make sure that there is sufficient planting distance, otherwise the globose robinia may crowd other plants out of the garden.
Overwintering robinia correctly
Outdoor plants are fully hardy and do not need additional protection. Even potted plants can remain outdoors in mild winters. Place the plant pot on a base made of wood or polystyrene and set up the spherical robinia in a wind-protected location. A covering of brushwood or leaves protects the planter from freezing.
» Tip: You can also place the plant in a larger container and fill the space in between with straw, leaves or another insulating material.
You are on the safe side if the spherical locust is overwintered indoors at temperatures around freezing.
Robinia - Warning, poisonous!
When caring for and planting the globe robinia, it should be noted that it is a poisonous plant. So always work with gloves and keep small children and pets away from the black locust.
Almost all parts of the plant are poisonous. The concentration of toxic ingredients in the bark is particularly high. Seeds and leaves, on the other hand, contain little poison. Black locust flowers are non-toxic. Since the globose locust does not bloom,this factor is less relevant at this point.
After eating five seeds, symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting occur. There may also be seizures and an accelerated heartbeat. For animals, eating the plant parts can be fatal.