Raisin tree "Prince William" - plant, care for and cut back

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Raisin tree "Prince William" is the name of a pear tree that impresses hobby gardeners as a fruit tree and ornamental shrub. We explain location and care here.

There's no question about it: fruits that hobby gardeners can eat from hand to mouth are particularly tempting. One of these fruits grows on the Prince William raisin tree. Admittedly, they are not raisins, but they are still exceptionally delicate fruits that taste similar to blueberries. This "tree" is a useful tree on the one hand and an ornamental shrub on the other. What is meant by this is a breed of the service pear with the botanical name Amelanchier canadiens. The term "raisin tree" may be misleading. There is also a "Japanese raisin tree". However, the two are not related to each other.

What's so special about Prince William

This variety of pear is popular because of its abundance of flowers and the unprecedented yield of its fruit. The dark blue fruits, which are up to 1.5 centimeters in size, are considered the largest of their kind. You can harvest them from the end of June to the beginning of July, even from young bushes.

The raisin tree "Prince William" (Amelanchier canadensis) flowers from April to May. Its flowers are arranged in a creamy white raceme.

The leaves are bronze when they sprout, later turning dark green. In autumn the foliage turns a beautiful orange-red color.

This woody plant can reach a height of 1.5 to 2 meters and is suitable as a specimen plant as well as for group planting.

The optimal planting conditions for the raisin tree

❍ Location:

The fast-growing and robust fruit and ornamental tree prefers a sunny to half-shady location. A bright place is important, because this guarantees abundance of flowers and fruit yield.

❍ Bottom:

The special variety of the service pear makes no special demands on the soil. It is content with well-drained to slightly loamy soil. If you possibly have heavy garden soil, then work sand and humus into it.
You can plant this special fruit and ornamental tree in spring and autumn.

How to care for the plantcorrect

Watering and fertilizing:

If the tree is well rooted and has accepted its location, there is no need to water and fertilize. You only have to water the shrub during longer periods of heat.

Water your young plants regularly in the first few weeks, because only then will they grow quickly.

Additional nutrients are not necessary. If the flowering power and fruit yields decrease after a few years, then fertilize with some ripe compost and lime.


You don't need to prune your raisin tree for the first few years. As the wood grows older, it loses its shape. Older shoots are now cut out. If you later plan a makeover cut, split the work up over two years. One spring cut one half of the branch mass, the next spring the other half.


The "Prince William" raisin tree belongs to the serviceberry family and bears the largest fruits of its kind. The multi-stemmed shrub is popular as a fruit tree and ornamental shrub. A sunny location with well-drained soil is preferred. Once the shrub has grown, it hardly needs any water. Only older specimens are fertilized cautiously with some compost and lime. In the first few years you do not need to cut the wood, only when it has lost its shape after several years.