The laburnum is a poisonous shrub, but it is still very pretty to look at. If you want to plant it indoors, you have several options.
If you are looking for an easy-care plant that enriches the garden year with lush flowers, you cannot avoid laburnum (Laburnum). The lepidoptera enchants with a sun-yellow dance of flowers and is - in terms of location and substrate - robust and undemanding. Therefore, the distinctive poisonous plant is a frequent guest in gardens and parks. You can read here what is important when planting ornamental trees.Small description of plants
Laburnum grows as a shrub or small tree and can reach heights of around five meters. The leaves are alternate and pinnate in three lines. At the end, the leaves, which are up to eight centimeters long, taper to a point. The countless yellow flowers develop on racemose inflorescences. They are distinctive butterfly flowers with five petals. The flowers develop into bean-like legumes containing the flat, dark brown seeds.
The plants were described by Philipp Conrad Fabricius in 1759 and classified into the genus Laburnum. This subfamily of the lepidopteran family contains the two representatives Common Laburnum and Alpine Laburnum. The hybrid laburnum was created from these two species.
Plant laburnum - find the right location
The choice of location does not pose any major problems for the hobby gardener. However, if you want to enjoy lush flowering, you should choose a sunny location. Laburnum quickly grows bushy in a warm and sunny location and develops a corresponding number of flowers.
Note: Plants will generally thrive in the shade but will produce fewer flowers.
When choosing a location, it is also important to remember that the plant can grow to a height of five meters or more. A unique position is an advantage, because the plants also develop several meters in width.
Selecting the ideal substrate
Laburnum should be planted in warm soil.If the plant gets cold feet, it will respond with a lack of flowers. In this case, the growth performance also generally decreases. A deep soil is not absolutely necessary. Laburnum also thrives on rocky surfaces. It is important that the soil is well drained and rich in nutrients. Chalky substrates are also tolerated. The substrate can be ordinary garden soil. The soil can be enriched with compost and loosened up by adding sand.
Note: Prolonged drought and waterlogging are not tolerated.
Laburnum when to plant?
Spring is the ideal time to plant Laburnum. If no more frosts are to be expected, the plant can be planted in the ground. Over the summer, the plant has enough time to form stable roots and grow well. In general, it is possible to plant laburnum until autumn. In any case, the plant should be planted in October at the latest. Otherwise there is a risk of frost. Since the plant can no longer grow sufficiently until winter, the laburnum needs winter protection.
What to look out for when buying?
When buying, reach for larger plants. One meter Laburnums are more robust and take root faster. Smaller plants are particularly susceptible to snail damage. The trees should already have several shoots.
Tip: Laburnum needs three growing seasons before it can be considered a mature plant.
Planting laburnum - step by step
- Select Location
- Prepare the ground
- Dig planting hole
- Water plant
- Insert plant
- Close planting hole
- Water plant
The planting hole should be about twice the size of the root ball. The plant is inserted carefully and the planting hole filled with substrate. After planting, the laburnum is well watered. The substrate can be enriched with compost before planting. This provides a slow-release organic fertilizer that improves the supply of theplant in the first year.
Laburnum can be used in many ways in the garden. The shrub is particularly effective on its own, especially when it is in bloom. Pretty accents are set under plantings with bluebells or candytufts. A firework of colors opens up when laburnum is planted next to snowballs or lilacs, rose arches can also be planted with laburnum.
Laburnum as a container plant
Laburnum can also be cultivated in a bucket. However, this increases the maintenance effort. The cultivation of potted plants is generally more demanding than is the case with planting outdoors. While the plant outdoors requires little care and gets its moisture from the roots, the laburnum in the bucket needs to be watered regularly. The range of substrate in the planter is limited and the plant cannot obtain moisture from the deeper soil layers. The soil should not dry out. It is also important to ensure that there is no waterlogging. The planter should have sufficient drainage holes for liquid. A drainage made of gravel or potsherds ensures that the irrigation water can drain off better.
Tip: When planting in tubs, remember that laburnum can grow to a height of more than five meters and don't miss a regular pruning that is adapted to the individual site conditions.
Hobby gardeners are also in demand during the winter. Laburnum is not hardy in the bucket without restrictions, as the bucket can freeze through quickly. The plant should be provided with winter protection or, even better, spend the cold season in a frost-free room.
Cultivate laburnum as bonsai
Laburnum can also be cultivated as a bonsai, almost all sizes and styles are possible. Double trunks and forests are particularly decorative. Cascade breeding is less suitable. The bonsai should not dry out, nor should waterlogging occur. During the growth period, the tree receives fertilizer at 14-day intervals. New shoots are cut back to a maximum of three buds. Annual repotting is recommended. The roots are shortened. In summer, the bonsai is prone to leaf burns. The flat bonsai pots are very vulnerable to frost, so the bonsai should be kept frost-free but cool indoors over the winter.