You want to grow a hedge of lavender heather? Then you don't have to buy new plants for it. You can also propagate your lavender heather.
The lavender heather (Pieris) is an attractive flowering plant that characterizes the picture in the home garden all year round. In addition to flowering in spring, the attractive foliage also catches the eye. The shadow bell is easy to cultivate and just as easy to multiply. So why not grow several plants yourself, for example to create a hedge or to try out how lavender heather does in group plantings? Below we explain all the steps for a successful propagation of lavender heather.
Propagation by lowering
Propagation by layering is always exciting, because you can watch how another little plant grows next to the mother plant and after a few months appears big enough to exist as an independent plant.
When is the best time?
This propagation method should be initiated in spring. Then the sinker has enough time over the summer to form stable roots.
What is required?
- Mother Plant
- Appropriately prepared soil
- Spade
- Knife
- Wooden Sticks
- cord
- wire
Instructions for propagation:
❶ First, let's look at the plant. A still young and flexible shoot is needed for propagation by lowering. This must reach the ground. This is particularly important because the shoot is not cut off but remains on the plant. So first select a suitable shoot.
❷ Then loosen the soil a bit. You can enrich barren soil with compost.
❸ Where the selected shoot touches the ground, you should make a furrow with the spade.
❹ Now remove all leaves and buds from the shoot that are not directly at the tip of the shoot. Then score the countersink in several places with the knife. This speeds up root formation.
❺ Now you have to dig the shoot about ten to twenty centimeters deep into the ground and take it with youcover substrate. So that the sinker does not shoot out of the ground again, you should weigh down the soil. You can also use wire or a peg to affix the sinker firmly to the ground.
❻ The tip of the sinker, about eight inches long, should now be sticking out of the ground. It forms the basis for the newly growing plant. To ensure that the shoot does not crawl along the ground but grows upright, you must fix the shoot tip to a wooden stick.
❼ Now the work is almost done. During the summer months, all you have to do is keep the sinker evenly moist. In autumn you can then check whether the plant is already sufficiently well developed. To do this, look at the ground and, by gently pulling on the sinker, check whether it can be easily removed from the ground or whether there is already sufficient resistance. This indicates a stable root system.
Depending on location and weather, some plants can be separated from the mother plant in autumn and exist as an independent lavender heath. If you want to be on the safe side, you can also leave the planter on the mother plant until next spring.
Propagation by cuttings
Propagation by cuttings can be particularly recommended for all those hobby gardeners who want to get several young plants. The method is relatively simple and promises good results.
When is the best time?
You can propagate the cuttings in late winter. By the end of February to mid-March, permanent frosts are usually over and a dry, frost-free day can be found to take cuttings.
What is required?
- well developed plant
- sharp knife
- Plant pots
- Planting soil
What is the procedure?
❶ First of all you have to cut the cuttings from he althy, strong and already slightly woody shoots. You should use a sharp knife for this. Some gardeners also swear by breaking off the cuttings rather than separating them cleanly. In any case, the cuttings should be between 15 and 20 centimeters in length.
❷ Now remove the leaves and buds from the lower part of the cutting.
❸ Then you have to put the cutting in a prepared planter filled with potting soil. The shoot should be about ten centimeters below the ground.
❹ Now move the plant pots with the cuttings to a bright locationcultivate. Irrigation is preferably done with rainwater. The plant also gets it if you spray it regularly. Put a plastic cap over the planter to speed up root development.
❺ After about three months, the cutting should have enough roots to be planted either in a larger planter or directly outdoors. Then it is important to properly care for the lavender heather plants. You also need to protect the young lavender heather plants from diseases and pests.
Lavender heather should not be transplanted until new leaves have formed.
The pros and cons of propagation methods
+ simple method
+ good chances of success
+ little maintenance
- plant is required
- only one plant can be won
+ Obtaining several plants possible
+ Very fast rooting
+ Obtaining cuttings can be combined with pruning
- Plant is needed
- Care effort quite high
- Planters and potting soil are required