Fungous diseases such as monilia or rust can severely affect the trees and shrubs in ornamental gardens. We'll get to the bottom of a few examples here.
The most common plant diseases that occur in the garden are caused by fungal infections and are transmitted by spores. In most cases, the infection is not recognized until the leaves begin to spot or become punctured. Wilted shoots can also be an indication of a fungal infection.
The pathogens are primarily transmitted by wind, insects or rain spray. A damp location favors the development of the fungus and can lead to immense damage to your ornamental trees.
In the following we would like to inform you about fungal diseases in the ornamental garden and present methods of combating them in chronological order.
Frequent fungal diseases on ornamental shrubs
Monilia Peak Drought
Monilia spike is a common garden fungal disease. Cherries are particularly affected, but also other fruit trees. Even ornamental trees are attacked by this disease.
This fungus causes, for example, Forsythia wilt or top drought on almond trees and ornamental quinces.
» Tip: Check the new shoots of your trees in the spring. You can recognize this disease during flowering or shortly after. The new shoots wither and wither after a few days.
The fungus overwinters on the dead shoots of ornamental trees. Before flowering in spring, these fungi produce spores. Wind and insects transmit these pathogens to flowers that are about to open.
January and February: | March and April: | May and June: |
Cut out dry shoots from the previous year. | Fungicide such as Compo 17785 Duaxo Universal Mushroom-Free or Teldor Fruit Mushroom-Free Spray 2 to 4 times flanking the cut. | Cut out diseased new shoots. |
Column rust on ornamental currant and pine bubble rust
Not only currants in the ornamental and orchard can be infected by this fungus, also five-needled onesIt can affect pine species. It is one and the same pathogen that causes columnar rust on currants and pine blister rust. They infect each other in close proximity.
- Functional swellings form on the shoots of five-needled species of pine. In spring when the weather is damp, 2 to 5 millimeter large bubble-shaped fungi break out of them. The myriad fungal spores of pine blister rust are carried to the currants by the wind.
- You will see the first spore deposits of the fungus on the underside of the currant leaf about two weeks after infection. The infestation rapidly spreads to the currant.
In August/September, orange-colored to brownish, thread-like “pillars” of the fungus covered the underside of the currant leaves. The next form of fungal spores is formed, which are then used to infect the five-needled pine species again.
January to May: | June and July: | in the following period: |
In the event of a heavy infestation, spray the ornamental currant from May before flowering and after flowering with CELAFLOR® vegetable-fungus-free Polyram® WG. | Collect and dispose of Fallen fungal Currant leaves | .|
Remove infested shoots of 5 needle pine species. | Pine trees Remove from the garden. |
Juniper rust/Pear grating
Juniper rust is a conspicuous fungal disease. This rust fungus affects, for example, Sade juniper, red cedar juniper and specimens of flat-growing species such as Chinese juniper. The same fungus also causes pear rust. On the one hand it needs the juniper as a host plant and on the other hand the juniper rust needs the pear. For us, the interplay runs periodically:
- The fungus overwinters in the juniper shoots. In March/April, brown, bubble-like spore layers break out of the now thickened shoots. When it rains, they soften into a glue-like mass of spores that are transferred to the pear leaves by insects. When dry, the spores are carried by the wind onto the pear leaves.
- About 14 days after infection, shiny orange spots develop on the upper side of the leaves, with punctiform, sticky pustules forming in the middle. The fungus grows through to the underside of the leaf. In July/August it forms bulbous warts at this point, in which the spores are located and laterbe thrown out. These fungal spores then infect the juniper
January to April | May to July: | in the following period: |
Junior plant Remove from the garden. | In case of infestation pear leaves spray with a fungicide like Compo 17785 Duaxo Universal fungus-free." | Remove newly infested juniper trees from the garden. |