Yellow leaves on hibiscus - possible causes & Tips for remedy

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If the leaves of the hibiscus are discolored in the garden or in the room, there can be several reasons. The various options and their remedies can be found here.

If the leaves of the hibiscus suddenly turn yellow, there is usually something wrong with the plant. Now the garden lover is in a hurry, because after all he wants to protect his exotic shrub from further harm.

The reasons for the discoloration of the leaves of the hibiscus can be varied. On the one hand, this can simply be just older and withered leaves, but it could also be a lack of nutrients.

Yellow spot fungus or spider mites can also turn hibiscus leaves yellow. Ultimately, a change of location or care errors are to blame for this evil. This applies to both garden hibiscus and indoor hibiscus.

We want to get to the bottom of possible causes step by step and give you some tips for prevention and control.

Has the maintenance been neglected?

It is not always a disease when the leaves of the hibiscus turn yellow. Often it is just a sign that the maintenance work has been neglected. Which maintenance errors can be the cause?


Drought is a great evil for the hibiscus in the garden and in the room. If you have not watered your hibiscus for a long time, the leaves will lose their colour, turn increasingly yellow, droop and eventually fall off. You should therefore remember to water your plant regularly and sufficiently.

However, the indoor hibiscus must not be watered so heavily, otherwise waterlogging can form. This considerably endangers the roots. You can only give your hibiscus water again when the upper soil has dried.

» By the way: Simply pour off excess water in the cachepot.

If rotting roots have already formed, cut them back and repot your hibiscus.

Old shoots:

Yellow leaves often form even on over-aged shoots. With an annual pruning, you cancounteract this.

The leaves of indoor or pot hibiscus also turn yellow after frequent changes of location. When stressed, it also reacts by shedding buds. So put it in a suitable location right away.

Disease or pest infestation

If yellow spots appear on the leaves of your hibiscus, everything indicates a virus infection. If the spots are brown, it is a fungal disease. Research into the cause of this is not yet complete.

What to do when leaves have yellow spots?

Cut them off and dispose of them with household waste. In no case should you throw the leaves on the compost. In this way, the pathogens can later spread to other plants.

You are also well advised to isolate the diseased houseplant. To avoid infecting other plants, it is recommended that you wash your hands thoroughly after use. The scissors you used to remove the diseased leaves must also be disinfected well.

Aphids and spider mites can sometimes also weaken the hibiscus. Indoor hibiscus is very often attacked in winter, especially when the air is very dry.

The best way to get rid of the pests is to spray the hibiscus with lukewarm water once a week. In stubborn cases, use soapy water. The underside of the leaf is treated.

To prevent this, it is advisable to regularly air the room well. This keeps the room climate optimal and greatly reduces the risk of spider mite infestation.

Regular fertilization protects against chlorosis

If the leaves turn yellow over a large area, this is usually an indication of chlorosis. This is an acute chlorophyll deficiency caused by too few nutrients in the soil, such as boron, iron, magnesium, sulfur or nitrogen. With a suitable liquid fertilizer, used regularly, you can prevent a deficiency of leafy greens.

A too dark and too cool location of the houseplant also promotes chlorosis.

The rose mallow (hibiscus rosa sinensis) is best placed in a light location. A windowsill is ideal for this. However, the hibiscus should not be exposed to the blazing sun of a south-facing window.

In the summer it can be kept warmer. But during the rest period, in winter, the exotic plant feels most comfortable at temperatures of 12 to 14°C.