As soon as winter gets out of the dust, you should prune the trees and shrubs. Read here when you should do this and what you need to bear in mind.
Trees (primarily fruit trees, berry bushes, flowering bushes and roses) should always be cut back in spring. The advantage of spring pruning is clearly that the shape of the tree without foliage is far more recognizable and that trees without foliage can be brought into shape more easily.
» Shrubs are reduced
» Old wood is removed
» The development of fruit and flowering is promoted
» Stable and, above all, he althier growth is guaranteed
When should you cut back trees and shrubs?
The best time to cut back summer flowering plants is between February and March, i.e. before they sprout. You can cut back late bloomers immediately after the frost days. Of course, you can also cut back certain types of wood and hedge plants in late autumn.
» Tip: Make sure that the frost temperatures are as low as possible when you carry out the pruning. Ideally, you should only cut back when the temperature is above zero.
You should definitely use suitable tools for cutting, so that the trees do not suffer more cut injuries than necessary. You should also sharpen a blunt saw or pruning shears beforehand.
Clearing cut
The clearing cut allows the sun to shine through the treetops again. This has the advantage that the fruit on the fruit trees in particular gets more sunlight and ripens in a much tastier way. On top of that, sensible pruning in the coming season will dry the foliage much better, which means that fungal diseases are less likely to form in the wood.
» Tip: Cuts can be closed or treated with wound closure materials (available here) from specialist shops. Such means are ideal for longer lasting frosty days.
Remove branches
In principle, you should first thoroughly remove all dead branches from the wood when pruning in springremove. The same applies to twigs hanging too low, as well as branches that have broken off and are growing too close together or on top of each other.
» Tip: Always cut off broken branches, as these can quickly attract diseases!