Chocolate cosmetics - plant, care for and overwinter

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The chocolate cosmos impresses with its strong, chocolate-scented flowers. Here you can find out how to properly care for summer shrubs in the garden.

Colours, shapes and scents of different flowers in the ornamental garden flatter our senses extraordinarily. Even when buying young flowering perennials, the garden lover is captivated by the sight of the flowers. The nose quickly springs into action in order to examine the scent of the flowers as well. If everything is consistent, nothing stands in the way of a new purchase.

The chocolate cosmos (Cosmos atrosanguineus) also passes such a test. This summer perennial not only impresses in the flower border, but also in the bucket on the terrace or balcony.

Portrait of Chocolate Cosmetics

The perennial daisy family grows upright and can be between 40 and 60 centimeters tall. In late autumn, however, the tubers of the attractive perennial must be stored frost-free. From July to October, burgundy to violet colored dahlia flowers unfold on the perennial. As the name of the perennial already suggests, the flowers smell of dark chocolate.

Location and soil for the chocolate cosmetics

❍ Location:

The summer perennial needs sufficient sunlight to fully develop its aroma. Therefore, a sunny location is ideal. The chocolate cosmos also tolerates partial shade, provided it is exposed to the sun for at least 4 hours a day.

❍ Bottom:

The soil for the extraordinary perennial is not very demanding. However, it should be humus, permeable, rich in nutrients and moist, just not loamy. Cosmos atrosanguineus also grows best if the soil does not dry out and waterlogging does not form.

How to properly care for the chocolate cosmetics


Your chocolate cosmetics only water enough to keep the soil moist. You should definitely avoid waterlogging, because otherwise the tubers will be afflicted by rot. It is best to use rainwater from a barrel for watering. It is also advisable to cover the soil around the perennial with mulch.

The flowering perennial will not be damaged if you water it in the morning or early evening. RegardBe careful not to wet the plant with water. Therefore always water from below.


Before planting the tubers in the ground in spring, fertilize the soil generously with compost. But you can also use an organic long-term fertilizer for this. Nitrogenous and mineral fertilizers are not suitable.


Remove wilted flowers regularly, as this encourages the chocolate cosmos to produce plenty of new flowers. To decorate vases, cut the inflorescences in the morning to keep them fresh longer.

In late autumn, when you dig up the perennial for the winter, cut back the herb to about 3 centimeters above the ground.


This summer perennial is overwintered in a cool but frost-free, dark room. Only after the Ice Saints in the following spring are the chocolate cosmos put back into the freshly prepared garden bed.

Detecting and combating diseases and pests

Cosmos atrosanguineus can be affected by diseases that are caused by care errors. These include:

❍ Root rot:
Caused by waterlogging. Therefore, always water your flowering shrub carefully.

❍ Powdery mildew:
Usually occurs when the plants are too close together and the air circulation is poor.

❍ Aphids:
Like to feast on fresh stems and buds of the perennial. It is advisable to create an ecological balance in the garden, for example by setting up an insect hotel and creating the best possible conditions for beneficial insects.

❍ Snails:
Are particularly attracted to the budding of the chocolate cosmos and can rapidly devour the fresh greenery. Therefore, after planting the tubers, set up a snail fence around your perennials. Nevertheless, check this snail barrier every day to see if one of the voracious pests has not overcome the hurdle.


Chocolate Cosmos is a perennial that produces burgundy to purple dahlia flowers in summer. The flower then smells of dark chocolate. A sunny spot in the garden is ideal for this plant. The soil should be humus, permeable, rich in nutrients and moist. Water only enough to keep the soil slightly moist. Fertilize the perennial with compost or an organic fertilizer. The root tuber becomes frost-free in winterstored.