Natural water purification in the swimming pond - it depends on the plants!

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If you want to have something from your swimming pond for a long time, you have to pay attention to the water purification. You can find out how this works naturally here.

Even if the summer in Germany often leaves a lot to be desired, there are still hot days in July and August when you would like to beam yourself to the Mediterranean after work. Of course, this is only granted to very few, so it is not surprising that more and more people are creating their own little water paradise. The basic requirement is, of course, that there is enough space for a pool or swimming pond in the garden or at the house.

The simplest way to create cool water is certainly the swimming pool, which is now available in umpteen designs. The advantage of this is that it can be set up relatively quickly, but the disadvantage is that it only offers a limited volume. If this variant is not enough for you, think bigger and flirt with a swimming pond. Ideally, a gem is created for humans and animals - provided the water in the pond stays clean over the long term.

Basics before creating a swimming pond

Mark out the terrain, dig a pit, ensure the water supply - done - unfortunately it's not that easy after all. First you have to think about what you actually want and how much work you want to do afterwards.

General difference: swimming pond and natural pool

If you don't explicitly deal with the topic, you won't see any difference between a swimming pond and a natural pool. The expert, however, makes a distinction here, because even if both variants are visually similar, the crux of the matter is in the detail - more precisely, the water purification. Anyone who has ever de alt with the subject should know that pool and pond water can “tilt”. Algae infestation is the result, caused by leaves, pollen and blossoms. A natural pool requires some technology (pumps, filters) to clean the water, but a swimming pond does not need this technology at all. According to the experts from, it is mainly plants that take on the task of water treatment here. the water surfaceshould nevertheless be vacuumed off from time to time using a skimmer.

Biological water treatment in the swimming pond

The principle of water purification in a swimming pond is based on nature. After all, large lakes can do without technical filter systems. The main work here is done by aquatic plants, bacteria, animal organisms (zooplankton) and their plant counterparts - phytoplankton.

Avoid mistakes when choosing plants

Before you choose plants for your swimming pond in the garden and pond center, you should know the following:

Unlike a garden pond, a swimming pond has significantly fewer plants. The number of leaves that can be seen on the surface is not too important here, but primarily the subterranean parts of the plant - the roots and rhizomes. The vital oxygen is transported to the depths via the roots of the plant, thus ensuring the biological balance.

Which types of plants are ideal for your swimming pond?

The selection of plants is therefore primarily limited to submerged aquatic plants, i.e. those specimens that are completely "submerged" under water. There are also companions floating leaf plants, the best known of which is the water lily. However, you must ensure that the floating leaf plants do not take away the light from the sub-plants. In order to give the swimming pond its typical look, reed plants are also planted on the bank. More information about this plant species on

Plants for the swimming pond

After I have brought you closer to the meaning of the individual plant species, here are a few concrete suggestions and always enjoy your new swimming pond.

Underwater PlantsFloating PlantsReed plants (bank plants)
NeedlewortWater hyacinthBulrush
WaterweedFloating FernWater Plume
chickweedShell Flowerrushes
spring mossWater LilyHedgehog Butt
Water PenWater MimosaWater Dose
frog herbWater NutMarsh iris