In order for gladioli and dahlias to be able to hibernate and produce really beautiful flowers again next year, a number of considerations and rules are required.

- After digging up, there is a period of careful drying of the sticks. Once these have dried sufficiently, all diseased parts of the tubers must now be carefully trimmed.
- The stems of the dahlia are now reduced to a length of about 15 centimetres.
- Gladiolenecan be very good to abraidbe brought to hang the onion tubers in winter and so the airy and cool Storage at around five degrees Celsius.
- Dahlias, on the other hand, must never dry out when they overwinter. They expect storage in a box filled with sand, which is then placed in a frost-proof room in the basement. See: Wintering Dahlias
This is how you can make your flowers bloom beautifully again next year.