Gorgeous spars conjure up a real eye-catcher in the garden with their unusual appearance and bright colours. The approx. 50 species are also very easy to care for.
Astilbe is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants within the saxifrage family (Saxifragaceae). Their great advantage for garden owners lies in the minimal light requirements of the plants. Even the most desolate and darkest corners are breathed new life into by magnificent spars with their filigree inflorescences in white, pink or red.
Appearance of the flowers and leaves
The flowers of the spiers grow in panicles. Their length varies from less than five to ten centimeters. Most spiers have pink, violet or red flowers, while individual varieties such as the 'Germany' spiers bloom in brilliant white. The overall impression of the flowers is delicate and filigree. The same applies to the plants' multiple-divided, pretty jagged leaves, some of which are finely hairy.
Types, varieties and growth
Almost 50 different species belong to the genus of sparrows, of which Astilbe japonica, Astilbe thunbergii, Astilbe chinensis and representatives of the hybrid group Astilbe arendsii are particularly common in Germany. The basic requirements of all species in terms of light, water, nutrients and temperature are the same or sufficiently similar. Representatives of different species can therefore be cultivated together without any problems.
Sparrows grow as perennials that can assume an upright and compact form or a loose and spreading form. Almost all splendor spars are clump-forming. Varieties of the species Astilbe japonica and Astilbe chinensis reach growth heights of between 30 and 50 centimetres, while species belonging to the Astilbe thunbergii can often reach a full meter in height. The hybrid spars sometimes even reach 120 centimeters.
Important planting information
A shady location is the be-all and end-all so that sparrows feel comfortable and thrive magnificently. In addition, high humidity and a rather cool ambient temperature are ideal. Under no circumstances should spars stand in the blazing sun for a long period of time.
There are hardly any limits for the garden owner when it comes to places of use. Sparrows are used as bedding plants and for delimiting trees, as well as in groups outdoors. They can be planted in the rock garden or at the edge of a pond and also do very well in borders and containers.
The soil should be moist, loose and rich in nutrients. If the subsoil is sandy or loamy, peat, compost, humus or even ordinary garden soil can help.
Water requirements:
Spears need a lot of water and have to be watered regularly. Rainwater is better suited for this than calcareous tap water.
Spars have a low tolerance for lime. Once a year, preferably in spring, spars should be supplied with fertilizer. A high content of nitrate and potassium is important. Fertilizers with a lot of nitrogen are not recommended.