The diptam is a rarity in the home garden. However, it makes special demands on the location and soil. Planting and care tips can be found here.
Hand on heart, who isn't fascinated by the magic of wild plants growing at the edge of fields or forests? And who wouldn't have such an exclusive plant in their garden? Simply digging it up and implementing it is not possible. After all, flowering plants in the wild are protected.
The diptam (Dictamnus albus) is such a rarity. Occasionally you may come across this perennial during summer walks on dry meadows or along dry forest edges. But you can also enjoy it in your own garden. Perennial gardeners have long cultivated this unusual plant for the hobby garden (see shop).
What makes the diptam so special?
At a height of 80 to 120 centimetres, the plant produces strong stalks on which umbel-like light pink flowers unfold from the end of May to July. The diptam spreads an intense scent of lemon and vanilla.
The essential oils of the plant can be expelled so vigorously in muggy hot weather that the flower ignites itself at the bottom and briefly flares up bluish. If you are lucky, you can observe this phenomenon at dusk. The diptam therefore bears the apt name "burning bush". However, the perennial is not damaged when it catches fire.
But be careful: all parts of the plant are poisonous.
Dittany Effect as a medicinal plant not proven
Dittany used to be considered a medicinal plant because of its large number of essential oils. However, the effect as a medicinal plant could never be positively proven. On the contrary, the toxic substances in the plant, when combined with sunlight, cause severe skin irritation. Contact should therefore be avoided if possible.
What should you pay attention to when planting the diptam
Similar to peonies, plant diptam in a spot in the garden where it gets plenty of sun and can grow undisturbed for many years. If the root has developed well, the Burning Bush will thank you with lush onesFlower spikes from May to July. It can take at least two to three years for that to happen. You should therefore be patient.
You can plant the diptam from spring to autumn. The distance between the young plants should be at least 50 centimeters. In the end, just water them lightly.
Preferred locations
Choose sunny to semi-shady locations for the diptam, for example in open spaces, on the edges of trees or in the prairie garden. The rare magnificent perennial prefers a water-permeable, rather dry soil. It should also be calcareous (pH between 8 and 10) and low in nutrients.
Adapt soil conditions
The diptam perennial reacts sensitively to changing soil conditions. It is therefore advisable to adjust the garden soil to the substrate in the pot before planting young perennials.
If your garden soil is damp, it is best to create drainage or mix the soil vigorously with sand.
Care without much effort
The burning bush, as the perennial is also known, is very frugal and requires little care.
Water sparingly and fertilize
Since the plant thrives on poor, dry soil, it only needs to be watered during prolonged heat and dry periods. You put the water directly on the root area. Blossoms and leaves must not be wetted.
You can fertilize the diptam with compost in the spring. Additional nutrients are not necessary
It is pruned in early spring
The pruning of the Burning Bush is uncomplicated. Shorten the perennial to about 20 centimeters only before new growth in spring. Only cut out diseased shoots close to the ground. Pruning during growth is taboo because the diptam does not tolerate it.
Protection from diseases and pests
If the location and soil conditions are right, diseases and pests can hardly harm the plant. If there is a danger, it is more likely from slugs. They are particularly attracted to the young plants in spring and can cause a lot of damage.
Therefore: Protect the young Diptam from slugs with a snail collar or snail fence! It is advisable to check the protective fence once a day to see whether one of the slimy herbivores has managed to get past the snail barrier.
Summary: The diptam is a plant that prefers a sunny and dry location. He loves a well drainedand calcareous soil. Before planting, you must adjust the soil to the substrate of the young plant in the pot. Only water the diptam during longer dry periods.