Dog Tooth? What a weird name for a plant, isn't it? Read here why it is called that and how you can plant and care for the dog tooth.
The filigree flowering houndstooth belongs to the lily family and is ideal for cultivation in partial shade, but also under trees and larger shrubs. Its almost fragile-looking flowers in rosé, yellow and white, but also intense violet, quickly attract everyone's attention. The flowering period extends mainly from April to May, but sometimes even beginning in March.
But why does this plant have such a strange name? Quite simply: The dog tooth got its rather unusual name because of its onion shape, which is very similar to the tooth of dogs. Here is all the information on how to properly plant and care for the dog tooth.
Plant Dog Tooth
The hardy dog's tooth loves the humus-rich, moist, extremely nutrient-rich forest soil, which is why it is also one of the forest flowers. In addition, you can easily plant this plant in the immediate vicinity of the proliferating ivy. You can also use the dog tooth in the lawn, e.g. in a so-called flower meadow.
In general, you should plant the bulbs of the dog tooth about 5 to 7 centimeters deep (distance about 5 centimeters) into the ground as early as autumn, so that the first small perennials with their beautiful flowers can attract attention in the coming spring. It is usually sufficient if you only plant the dog tooth once on site, because it then multiplies by itself via seed formation and daughter bulbs. However, individual perennials or bulbs can always be transplanted to another location in autumn.
Care for dog teeth properly
Unfortunately, the extremely robust dog tooth, which grows up to 15 centimeters high, is relatively little known in our gardens, although it is one of the extremely easy-care plants in garden cultivation. Only the following care measures are necessary:
➤ Irrigation:
The dog tooth only needs a permanently evenly moist, humus-rich soil, which is why you can plant it in the mornings and evenings on warm summer daysto water if necessary. If the dog tooth dries out, it will no longer bloom and can even dry up completely.
➤ Fertilize:
Furthermore, it is sufficient if you provide the dog tooth with fresh compost in autumn. Additional fertilizing is then usually no longer necessary.
➤ Mulch soil:
It is also ideal to cover the ground around the dog tooth with mulch. This stores moisture and also provides the plant with valuable nutrients.