Video: Garden shredder being tested - Marktcheck takes a close look at 4 products


Trees, bushes and shrubs can be found in almost every garden. No matter how beautiful they look and bloom in the summer, they have one major disadvantage in the fall. They need to be cut frequently. As if that weren't enough work, the clippings still have to be disposed of. It is not surprising that many a gardener longs for a garden shredder here. Here the clippings are placed in a funnel-shaped opening, shredded and then come out again as small chaff in the grass catcher. This can then be processed in the garden or disposed of.

The garden shredders look basically the same, but they differ enormously in terms of technology. If you are thinking about buying a shredder, you should do some research beforehand. In order to make the decision a little easier for laypeople, Marktcheck carried out the test. In the video posted above, four shredders from different price segments were examined closely, some with surprising results. But see for yourself.

» Devices from the show:

  • Aldi Gardenline
  • Hornbach Mac Allister
  • Wolf Garden
  • Bosch AXT 25 TC (test winner Stiftung Warentest - read the report here)