Planting catnip - How it's done

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Catnip is not only popular with cats, but more and more gardeners are planting catnip. Read here what you need to consider.

Different shapes and colors available

Perennial flowering catnip is available in garden centers in various flower colors (white, yellow, pink, purple, blue, etc.) and with differently shaped calyxes. You can even have several different perennial plants in one garden bed at the same time. Long-flowering varieties of catnip include Walkers Low and Six Hills Giant.

» Tip:
You can make tea from catnip, among other things. This is known for its particularly diuretic effect. In addition, such a tea mixture also has an antipyretic and antispasmodic effect if required. Many people also like to use catnip as a cake spice.

Cats like the smell of mint

The catnip, which grows up to 100 centimeters high, is one of the most popular perennial plants in our latitudes (suitable for the scented garden) due to its pleasant mint smell. It got its name because even cats let themselves be seduced by its pleasant scent. This is not the case with varieties that, in addition to mint, also smell slightly of lemon. Because they don't like cats at all.

By the way:
Cats really like conventional catnip, but are not explicitly lured into a garden by the perennial. So don't be afraid of a cat plague.

Catnip is also very popular with bees and bumblebees. Here it is one of the coveted food plants. Since these animal species require special protection on our part today, you can make an important contribution by planting this perennial plant!

Planting catnip - How it's done


The mostly small perennials can either be planted directly in a bed or kept as a container plant on a balcony or terrace. Catnip does not make any special demands on the respective soil.

When choosing a location, you should choose one that is as sunny as possible, with minimal partial shadeChoose a place where there is no risk of waterlogging. Otherwise catnip is at risk of root rot and will die.

» Tip:
Catnip gets along very well with rose bushes, so you can plant both plants in close proximity to each other.



In case of drought, you have to water the perennials regularly. You should also fertilize them in early spring with a little low-nitrogen complete fertilizer. Alternatively, you can of course also work in compost around the plant.


Prune the catnip back in July after its first main bloom, it usually drives out a second time and blooms until autumn. These shoots can then remain over the winter and should not be cut off again until spring (for winter protection). However, there are also varieties that only flower from July to September and therefore do not guarantee a second inflorescence.

Grow Catnip:

If you want to propagate catnip, it is best to choose a larger perennial. You can then easily divide them in spring and thus propagate the plant.