Black salsify is not only rich in vitamins and nutrients, it also tastes delicious. Find out how to grow and care for salsify here.
The vitamin-rich salsify is one of the oldest winter vegetables in our part of the world. Unfortunately, it has recently been somewhat forgotten, although it can be stored in cool cellar rooms for a very long time (until spring), is extremely digestible and also has an extremely high nutritional value.
The only downside is that the vegetable stalk is cleaned of the black skin, which reveals a white, asparagus-like stalk that reveals a nutty taste.
» Tip: Before peeling, steam the black salsify in s alted water - with a little lemon juice - for about a quarter of an hour. Keeps hands clean and simplifies cleaning - rinse briefly with cold water! Then put them in fresh vinegar or lemon water to avoid staining the vegetables. You can also use it to clean your fingers well again.
» Location
Growing black salsify requires moist, well-loosened, humus-rich soil. The annual seed is already sown in March, whereby the black salsify prefers a sunny location.
» Keep enough distance
It is also important to ensure that the seeds are placed far enough apart so that the roots do not interfere with each other's growth.
» Tip: Salsify should never be grown after tomatoes or carrots. Combinations with cabbage, spinach or salad are possible without any problems.
» Watering
Black salsify needs a lot of moisture during growth, which is why it has to be watered regularly. If the soil becomes dense due to moisture, it should always be loosened up with a rake from time to time.
» Fertilizing
It is advisable to fertilize the black salsify from time to time and to remove the flowers immediately if possible.
» Harvest
Harvesting can begin in November, when the leaves are slowly withering - right through to February. For this purpose, the roots first have to be carefulbe dug out of the ground with a spade to prevent them from breaking. The black salsify can then be pulled out of the ground relatively easily, although you should wear gloves.
If milky juice comes out of the root, this is a sign of absolute freshness. Which means there are always fresh vegetables available in the garden during the long winter months!
» Tip: In the very cold winter months, the black salsify can also be covered with straw to protect them from frost and voles.
» Possible diseases
Black salsify is minimally susceptible to powdery mildew or voles, which also enjoy the delicious taste of the root vegetable.