Fertilize berries - That's how it's done


A garden should also have berries, which taste best freshly picked from the bush. So that they thrive, here are our tips on how to fertilize berries.

Berries need regular fertilization

There are certain types of berries that a garden simply shouldn't be without. These include primarily strawberries, but also raspberries, blackberries, currants, gooseberries, jostaberries and the like.

However, berries also need regular fertilization in order to be able to thrive magnificently and in large numbers on the stick. Which is why the specialist trade offers special fertilizers, such as pure strawberry fertilizer, etc. These fertilizer products contain the optimal dosage of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen - tailored to the individual berry varieties.


Organic fertilizer is excellent for berries. Well-rotted compost and cow manure - now also available in pellet form - can be used for planting and spring fertilization in particular. Many gardeners who also work with mineral fertilizers traditionally like to use blue grain, which has proven to be good for decades. In the meantime, however, berry fertilizers tailored to individual varieties are also available, which can even better meet the needs of the individual berries.

» Tip: Experts often recommend a balanced mixture of organic and mineral (chemical) fertilizer. However, organic fruits should only be fertilized with organic organic fertilizer.

fertilization time

The general rule of thumb is to fertilize berries in early spring, before they bloom. If necessary, one more time just before the fruit ripens. In case of doubt, however, you should check the pH value of the soil before the second application of fertilizer to avoid over-fertilization.

In addition, strawberries, for example, are fertilized again in autumn. Especially if you plant them fresh at this time. To do this, loosen the soil well, work compost and manure into the soil and then allow the soil to settle for about two weeks. After that, you can plant the strawberry plants in this well-enriched soil.

» Tip: This methodis also recommended for planting all other berry bushes.

Apply fertilizer

When applying a fertilizer, the respective dosage form and the prevailing weather conditions must be taken into account - read the manufacturer's package inserts.

  • If you apply e.g. blue grain and some berry fertilizers in the form of small granules that are loosely distributed on the plant stem, this has the advantage that the fertilizing effect is released to the berries in installments, thus lasting longer.
  • Liquid fertilizer, on the other hand, absorbs much more quickly, so it also works very quickly, but usually does not last as long.
  • Organic fertilizers in their natural form (humus, animal manure, compost) must always be worked into the soil of the plants by hand.

» Tip: It should not be too hot when fertilizing (avoid strong sunlight), so that the fertilizer does not burn the berries. But it should also not rain heavily while fertilizing, as this could significantly reduce the effect of the fertilizer.