If you want vigorous plants in your garden, you should fertilize them. Best with cow dung pellets. Read here how you can use it to fertilize plants.
Excellent Fertilizer
Gardeners know that cow manure is an excellent organic fertilizer. But city dwellers often have a hard time getting hold of cow dung. And farmers are reluctant to give away cow manure to hobby gardeners because they urgently need this high-quality fertilizer for their own arable land. As an alternative, cow dung pellets are now offered in specialist shops. This is pure, dried cow dung that has been pressed into pellet form. Convenient to pack, can be removed individually and used for the benefit of the garden plants.
How are the pellets made?
During pelleting, the cow manure that has already been deposited is only dried. Due to the high heat development, all harmful germs in the cow manure are killed over a short period of time without losing the valuable ingredients such as potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and magnesium. High-quality cow manure pellets are also free of chemicals and can be kept for years. Prerequisite is dry storage.
Fertilize plants with cow manure pellets
Cow dung pellets can be used to fertilize vegetable plants, lettuce plants, fruit plants and flowers - observe the package inserts of the respective manufacturers, do not over-fertilize. The incorporation of the pellets into the ground is easy because they are very small and handy. To do this, simply loosen up the earth, dig in the cow dung pellets and wait. The fertilizer results exceed all expectations after a very short time.
» Tip:
Adding a few cow manure pellets to the compost improves the quality of the compost. You can even use the compost to grow plants. However, it is best to work this compost into the vegetable patch in autumn for the coming spring.
Fertilize directly when planting
If new plants are placed in the garden in spring and/or autumn, a hole should be dug, a little cow manure pellets put in there and then the plant placed on top. Wherebythe pellets are not damaged by vigorous watering when planting. This process is also recommended for planting in balcony pots and tubs.