Growing zucchini - How it's done


Fast-growing courgettes belong to the pumpkin family and are very popular garden vegetables in our part of the world. Read here how to grow zucchini.

The flowers are also edible

Easy-care varieties with a green or yellow skin can be grown. No matter which variety you choose, you can always count on a very good harvest.

By the way: you should know that the flowers of the zucchini are suitable for consumption. They are even considered a delicacy.

So you can conjure up great dishes both from the zucchini itself and from the flower.

Growing zucchini - Here's how it's done

» Location:
The zucchini always prefers a sunny, wind-protected location with as loose, nutrient-rich soil as possible. You should always supply the soil with sufficient compost.

» Sowing:
In May, immediately after the frosty days, zucchini can be sown outdoors without any problems - the zucchini seeds are available from specialist garden stores. It should be noted that two zucchini plants are usually sufficient to feed a family. Especially since the plants take up quite a lot of space because they spread out on the ground.

Tip: Plant zucchini around runner beans to make the best use of garden space.

If several plants sprout, only the strong shoots should be grown as vegetables. You should keep a distance of about 70 centimeters from other plants when sowing.

» Care:
Zucchini tolerate a lot of fertilizer, which is why they can be supplied with compost, nettle manure or cow dung pellets several times during their rapid growth. In addition, you can of course also apply mineral fertilizers. Since snails love the delicious zucchini vegetable, you can also work with slug pellets if necessary.

Furthermore, zucchini always need moist soil, for which the use of slightly sun-warmed rainwater or stagnant tap water is recommended. In this way, mildew can also be largely avoided.

» Harvest:
At theZucchini usually form male flowers first, followed closely by female flowers, from which the fruit ultimately develops. If these are large enough to be harvested (approx. 20 centimetres), they can be cut off with a knife.

Tip: With many varieties, the rule applies that the earlier the courgettes are harvested, the more new fruit will be produced. On top of that, small fruits taste better!