Wintering of potted plants - tips and hints


Now that the gardening season is coming to an end, it's important to winter-proof your potted plants. Find out here what you should know about overwintering potted plants.

Overwinter potted plants indoors

Most potted plants must be brought inside before the first frost. Even if it's still over 10 degrees during the day, the nights can get chilly. Any potted plants that cannot overwinter outside should be brought indoors and placed in a cool, dark place. The basement or the hallway are particularly suitable for this.

Before the plants are allowed out again, you should observe the weather over a longer period. As soon as it is frost-free for a longer period of time, get the plants out because that is the unmistakable sign that spring is just around the corner.

Overwinter potted plants outside

You can't bring every potted plant indoors for the winter. Especially not if the plants are just too big or too heavy. But you don't have to worry that they won't survive the winter. If you pack the potted plants thickly, then nothing can actually happen. To do this, you need five different things:

» Fleece: This wraps the crown of the plant. Icy wind is kept away. Make sure the wrap is loose.

» Twigs: Lay twigs from conifers around the trunk and on the ground. This warms and protects.

» Bubble wrap: Wrap this around the pots. Pack well and thickly. The thicker, the less cold it gets.

» Linen: Take old linen sacks and wrap them around the bubble wrap. This provides additional protection. Straw or leaves can also be used for additional insulation.

» Styrofoam: Then place the flower pot on a thick styrofoam plate so that no cold can penetrate the pot from below.