Climbing roses in winter - 2 tips


Like all other plants, climbing roses need protection from the cold temperatures in winter. Read here how to do this.

Protect climbing roses in winter

You'd think you can't go far wrong with climbing roses. But that's not the case. Even if you buy robust varieties so that they can easily withstand the low temperatures, you should pay attention to a few things. Here are our tips to ensure that your climbing roses get through the winter well.

Climbing roses in winter - 2 tips

Tip 1 - Cover roses
Roses should always be covered well. If not the whole flower, then at least the bottom part. Twigs or leaves are particularly suitable for this. A layer of mulch can also help.

Tip 2 - Protect the trellis
If you are dealing with climbing roses, you shouldn't ignore the trellis either. Because if this is made of metal, the climbing rose may need additional protection. Since metal gets colder than wood or plastic, the rose can suffer frost damage more quickly. If you use metal climbing frames, then cover the entire rose with spruce branches. Otherwise, a trellis made of wood or plastic is advisable. There is also no danger to be expected from a fence that is not made of metal.