Growing pomegranates - How it's done

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Would you like to plant an exotic fruit in your garden? How about if you grow pomegranates, for example. We'll tell you how here.

Pomegranates are very he althy

The actually quite robust pomegranate tree is mostly kept as a container plant in the conservatory or greenhouse in this country. However, you can also place your pomegranate tree outdoors in the summer months without any problems.

In addition, its fruit is considered to be beauty-promoting in the cosmetics industry and very he alth-promoting in homeopathy. Just one glass of pomegranate juice a day significantly improves human blood circulation.

So if you want to do something good for yourself and your he alth, you should just grow pomegranates.


Seed Breeding:

You can of course grow new trees from the inside of the pomegranate seeds. For this purpose you have to remove the seeds from the fruit, clean them (e.g. under hot water), break them open and immediately sow the seeds again in new soil (ideally use peat or potting soil).

» Tip:

Sowing immediately has the advantage that the pomegranate seeds do not lose their ability to germinate.

During the long germination period (approx. 12 weeks) the soil should never lose moisture. In addition, the room temperature should not drop below 20 degrees.


Of course you can also grow pomegranates from cuttings of older plants. All you have to do is cut off a leafless but thorny side shoot in spring and place it in a glass of lukewarm water.

As soon as new, very fine roots have formed, you can pot the cuttings in fresh soil (use a sand-peat mixture).


Location and casting:

Pomegranate trees (maximum growth height up to approx. 5 meters) need a lot of warmth, sun and high humidity. Nevertheless, you can place the trees in a wind-protected sunny location in the garden from late spring to autumn. There you should also water them regularly, because pomegranate trees have a relatively high water requirement - but please do soAvoid waterlogging!


For overwintering, you must always bring in the leafless pomegranate trees and keep them at about 5 degrees without direct light. You should then only water the trees moderately so that they don't dry out completely.

Fertilize pomegranates:

A fertilization is recommended every 3 weeks during the growth phase - from approx. April to August. It is advisable to use liquid fertilizer for this. During the resting phase, however, you should generally avoid giving fertilizer.

» Tip:

If you keep pomegranates in pots, you should repot them about every two years.


Most of the time, pomegranates can only be harvested from older plants. Especially since they have a hard time with the formation of fruits in our latitudes anyway. Harvest time, however, is generally from around July to August, when the skin turns orange-red and cracks slightly.

» Tip:

Pricking a hole in a ripe, slightly chilled pomegranate and drinking the juice straight out is a real treat.