Use tea as fertilizer – 2 application tips

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Chemical fertilizers should not be used in the garden. Biologicals are better. For example, you can use tea as fertilizer. Here are 2 application tips.

Like coffee grounds, tea can also be used as fertilizer in the garden. The individual types of tea have different properties. Chamomile tea, for example, is ideal for growing plants. However, chamomile tea can also be used to combat mild mold growth on potted plants.

Black tea, on the other hand, is said to have a disinfecting effect and keep pests away. Herbal tea is in turn certified to have a plant-strengthening effect and nettle tea (also nettle manure) works optimally to combat aphids. Green tea of any kind, on the other hand, generally contributes to soil improvement.

In principle, it doesn't matter which type of tea you ultimately use to make the plant strengthener yourself, because all types of tea contain theine. And that is exactly the substance that makes tea so valuable as fertilizer. Thein is said to have a disinfecting effect on the plants and even drive away pests.

2 Tips for Using Tea as Fertilizer

Tea can be used as fertilizer in two different ways. Both variants are briefly presented here.

» Tip 1 - liquid fertilizer:

Tea can be used very well as a liquid fertilizer. Simply boil a few tea bags and then let the tea cool down. Alternatively, you can simply hang a few tea bags in a watering can with water and let them steep for several hours. You can then use it to water potted plants, outdoor plants or indoor plants.

» Tip 2 - use tea grounds as fertilizer:

Just like coffee grounds, you can also use tea grounds and tea leaves as fertilizer. You should mainly use this to fertilize outdoor plants and enrich your compost. Here, the choice of variety is completely irrelevant, you just must not spread the tea grounds loosely on the bed, otherwise it will attract vermin. You should therefore always chop up the tea grounds and tea leaves.


Tea can improve nutrient-poor soil in the short term, but it is not a permanent replacement for traditional fertilizers.You should therefore never use tea as a sole fertilizer, but as an ecologically harmless combination preparation.