Loosen the soil - what's the point?


You keep hearing about loosening the soil. This should save a lot of water. But what does loosening the soil have to do with saving water?

Cultivating the soil after heavy rain
Every gardener knows that the soil should be loosened to allow water to penetrate better. That's true as far as it goes, but that's not the whole truth. Because by loosening up you can also prevent the water that is already in the ground from evaporating. Because of the so-called capillary effect, water rises to the surface and evaporates there. As a result, the soil dries out very quickly. That's why loosening is particularly important, especially after heavy rain. As a result, the water is stored in the soil many times longer and you don't have to water it as often.

Hop once saves watering three times
An old gardener's rule says that chopping once saves watering three times. It's worth a try, the plants, the environment and your wallet will thank you. Also, always loosen the soil with a draw hoe. This should be used especially in flower beds.