If you want a fresh scent in your home or conservatory, bring lemon verbena (Aloysia citrodora) into your home.
Great smell, great taste
A lemon verbena is also suitable for outside, but first of all you can't enjoy the wonderful smell like inside and secondly could it be that the plant does not survive the winter. It doesn't like very low temperatures. So it's best to position it indoors. Incidentally, the lemon verbena is also called the lemon shrub. The scent of lemon verbena promotes concentration and improves the room climate.
It comes from South America
A lemon verbena needs a sunny spot and it also needs to be watered regularly. Otherwise it is very easy to care for. It loses its leaves in winter and likes it frost-free and moderately bright. But don't forget to water it here, too. It originally comes from South America. However, under the right conditions, it can be planted worldwide.
You can eat the leaves
The leaves of the lemon verbena not only smell wonderful, they also taste wonderful. You can add them to salads, sauces or meat. If you dry them, you can brew a tasty tea from them. So this plant is not only pretty to look at, it also smells good and it is also a welcome guest in the kitchen.
Lemon verbena repels mosquitoes
In aromatherapy, lemon verbena is considered digestive, appetizing, stimulating and exhilarating. If you suck the rough leaves, you can clean your tongue wonderfully. Incidentally, lemon verbena also effectively repels mosquitoes, flies and other insects. As you can see, this plant is a true all-rounder.