Video: Build your own swing seat out of an old garden bench - It's that easy


Gardening can be really tiring. After work you just need a small cozy place where you can relax, unwind and just let your soul dangle. Comfortable chairs are great, but a real highlight in the garden are porch swings, right? You can really snuggle up in most of the models and ideally even close your eyes and enjoy the midday rest.

Did you know that you can easily build a hammock yourself without much effort? Not? Then you should definitely watch the ToolTown - Home of DIY video posted above. Here, Bine Brändle shows how a porch swing can be built from an old and discarded garden bench in no time at all. And believe me, anyone can do it.

In the second part of the video you will find another seat for the home and garden. But this requires a bit more manual or creative skill. Because here the sewing machine has to rattle a little. But if you don't have a problem with that, you can quickly conjure up a comfortable hanging seat.

Are your fingers tingling? Then get out there and have fun being creative!