Willows are an integral part of many gardens. Not only because they are very easy to care for, but because you can use them to show off your artistic talent. In addition to baskets, bowls, climbing aids for plants and other decorative accessories, willows can also be used to create optimal layer protection.
The video comes from the Bavarian Radio show "Querbeet" and shows step by step how to make a willow fence. Kathrin Robl also explains which willow varieties are best suited for weaving and, above all, how to recognize good willows.
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The active ingredient salicin is found in the willow. It is a painkiller that is known, for example, from aspirin. Brewed as a tea, the willow can help against headaches, but also with rheumatic complaints or flu. For the tea, pour boiling water over two teaspoons of willow bark and let steep for ten minutes.