Build your own wooden shelter from a Euro pallet - video instructions


Not long now, then we can probably expect the first snow. It remains to be seen whether I am happy about it or not. In any case, our fireplace will then be heated up again regularly. The problem with us is that the wood rental is quite a walk from the house. When the first twenty centimeters of snow lie, Schnick Schnack Schnuck is used to select who may boot through the snow to fetch more wood.

To make things a little easier for me this year, I was looking for a possibility for our covered terrace. I didn't want a simple basket, it should be something for the eye. That's when I came across the brothersact video. Here, an old Euro pallet is converted into a wooden shelter - not too big, but still enough to accommodate a few logs. Just enough so that you don't have to get something new every day. The Euro pallet wooden shelter fits under any terrace and also under slightly larger roof overhangs. If necessary, you can still cover the wood with a tarpaulin so that it doesn't get wet.

Costs for this wooden shelter: No more than 10 euros. If you still have a Euro pallet and a few screws lying around, you don't even have to pay anything for them. What do you think of this solution?