Refreshing treatment for plants


Anyone who has a garden knows that the longer plants grow and the bigger they get, the less they bloom. Yes, sometimes they can even break. And you can become unsightly too. Don't let it get that far and treat your plants to a refreshment treatment!

Take the initiative in time and share the plants. This is just the right remedy to make them young and fresh again.

And this is how it works:

  1. Plants are usually divided in spring, except for spring flowering varieties. You should share these in the fall.
  2. Cut off the withered plant remains from the previous year a hand's breadth above the ground and carefully dig up the plant. With tender roots you can divide the plant by hand, with tubers you can use a spade.
  3. Create two parts of the same size from one plant, if it is already very large, there can also be several.
  4. Then plant again, loosen the soil well and fertilize. That's it.

It's so easy to make two plants from one and, of course, get twice as many flowers for free.