What is bark humus?


bark humus is a refined form of bark mulch. This bark is ground finer and the grain size is much smaller than normal bark mulch. However, humus bark has many advantages for a gardener as well.

The substances contained in bark humus can prevent the growth of pests and weeds. The pH is around 5.5. As a buyer, you can choose between with and without nutrient additives for this bark humus.

Fertile soil with bark humus
If you put bark humus on the ground, it will be better supplied with water, air and warmth. The plant nutrients can be stored better, so that the soil is more fertile and he althy and strong plants can grow here. Because of the fine grain, however, the weeds cannot proliferate too much.

Usually, the humus is also mixed with soil, because it can cause strong plant growth. Even the soil in the flower boxes can be improved with the bark humus. The plants are he althier and can grow stronger.