Sequoias are really fascinating. Because not only is its size remarkable, but also its history. Here are some tips for growing and caring for these trees.
Sequoias can grow up to 100 meters tall
The fast-growing sequoia, as its name suggests, can easily reach a height of 30 meters or more in a large garden. An increase of 50 to 100 centimeters per year is easily possible. In its native regions, a sequoia, which in principle belongs to the cypress family, can even overcome heights of over 100 meters.
Tip: Sequoias (conifers) are ideal for providing shade in large parks.
Sequoia is also known as primeval tree
Legendary stories of individual sequoias hand down their seemingly infinite dates, some of which go back to the age before Christ. Which is why the sequoia is often described as a primeval tree. This also proves that the gigantic-looking sequoias - whether giant sequoias, coast redwoods or primeval redwoods - are relatively easy to care for and specimens grown from the cone seeds now also thrive quite well in our regions.
Sequoia - cultivation and care
» Planting time:
The ideal time for planting sequoias is September to October.
» Location:
Sequoias love the blazing sun, but then have to be well watered. Especially in the summer months you should make sure that the roots do not dry out under any circumstances. Very young redwoods (cuttings) should first be kept as potted plants and then planted in the ground when a trunk has developed.
» Fertilizing:
You should fertilize your sequoia regularly once or twice in spring, especially in its first years of life.
» Overwintering:
In winter, on the other hand, a sequoia is cold-resistant down to -20 degrees. However, it is recommended to protect the still young sequoia from ice and snow by covering it with raffia mats or fleece near the ground.