Lantern flowers - 4 tips for caring for them


Every child knows the orange lantern flowers that can be used for all kinds of pretty decorations in autumn. Here are 4 tips for caring for the lantern flowers.

Blooming time

From May to July Chinese lanterns have small, white flowers that contrast beautifully with their green leaves. From July to August, the first green, then orange lanterns develop from these flowers, which also contain an orange fruit. When the lanterns turn brown in the autumn months of September and October and mutate into a kind of lantern net, the view of the orange fruit is revealed. In this way, the lantern plant exerts a special attraction on its viewer during its entire flowering period.

Lantern flowers - 4 tips for caring for them

Tip 1 - watering/fertilizing:
The herbaceous perennial plant is easy to care for in the garden. On very hot days you should water the plants moderately, otherwise they do not require additional treatment and do not need to be fertilized.

Tip 2 - pruning:
Only in late autumn should the perennials be cut back generously close to the ground.

Tip 3 - Lime and loosen the soil:
If you want to do something good for the plants, you can enrich your natural soil with lime in spring, insofar as it is about no lime soil. You can also loosen the soil all around.

Tip 4 - Multiply Chinese lantern flowers:
Chinese lantern flowers usually grow up to 1 meter high and continuously expand in width. This means that they can easily be divided from time to time and easily replanted in another sunny to partially shaded location. Some lantern plants even thrive in completely shaded locations.

By the way: Of course, the robust lantern flowers can also be kept as container plants without any problems.


Lanternion plants are slightly poisonous, which is why children should avoid direct contact with them if possible. Unless handicrafts with lantern plants are supervised by adults.