Plant and care for rose arches - That's how it's done

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A rose arch has always been a special eye-catcher in the garden. We will therefore explain to you here how you can plant and care for a rose arch.

Not only romantics are captivated by the sight of a rose arch. It is simply an atmospheric eye-catcher, which brings out the blossoms of noble roses in a particularly advantageous way. In addition, rose arches also fulfill practical functions. They can form the atmospheric entrance to the garden or delimit certain areas. For example, create a romantic seating area in the shade of a rose arch or mark the transition from the kitchen garden to the ornamental garden with a playful rose arch. We will show you which plants are suitable for a rose arch and how to care for them.

Select the right location

If you are planning to buy a rose arch, you should first think about the purpose of the rose arch in your garden. Are you planning the arch as access to the garden or would you like to use it as a room divider to visually separate certain garden areas? You don't just have to think about the location alone, you also have to consider the plants that are later to spread lushly there. So there is little point in placing a rose arch in a dark and shady corner of the garden, as the roses require a sunny spot.

Which roses are suitable for planting?

You should choose climbing roses for planting the rose arch. These are commercially available in a variety of colors. Several colors can also be combined with one another, which is particularly attractive. Shrub roses with longer shoots are also suitable for planting.

An overview of some pretty varieties:

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Planting rose arches - step by step

You should prepare the soil accordingly before planting. The soil should not only be freed from weeds, roots and stones, it should also be treated accordinglybe enriched. If you mix the soil with humus, the roses receive an effective long-term fertilizer right from the start, which promotes he althy growth.

If the roses are planted at a distance of half a meter from the base of the rose arch, they can grow better and the roots have enough space to spread out. At least one rosebush is placed on each side of the rose arch. For larger rose arches, you can also put two plants per side in the ground. Please note the distance of half a meter here as well.

If you have inserted the rose bush and covered the plant with soil, the shoots should be guided towards the rose arch. The shoots are tied to the rose arch with raffia or thin garden wire.

Tip: The best times for planting the rose arch are late summer and autumn.

Care tips for climbing roses

Watering and fertilizing

The first few days after planting are particularly important. The roses need enough water to root quickly. On particularly hot days, several waterings may be necessary. It is better to water more frequently and moderately instead of washing in the roses and perhaps causing waterlogging that the plants cannot tolerate.

Tip: Do not water the roses in the blazing midday heat and do not water directly on the leaves.

During the growth phase in spring (March to June) you should provide the climbing roses with a special rose fertilizer. The liquid fertilizer is simply added to the irrigation water and can be dosed so easily.

Twinkle Climbing Roses

You need to help the roses to climb the arch. The individual shoots are braided around the rose arch. Small plastic clamps provide a better hold on the rose arch as an alternative to string or wire.

Pruning climbing roses

Climbing roses are cut back in spring. The one-year-old shoots should be left on the plant, because this is where the new inflorescences develop. The remaining shoots can be removed close to the ground. Then the plants sprout freshly again and grow evenly.

To make it easier to remove the shoots from the rose arch, you should wait a few days after the cut. The removed shoots will turn brown over time and can be identified much more clearly and removed from the rest of the rose bush.

In order for you to be able to look forward to a lush bloom, faded flowers are closed regularlyremove. Old shoots and wilted flowers often block the way for fresh shoots.

Winter climbing roses

Most climbing roses are only partially hardy. The hobby gardener should generously pile up the roses in autumn. Garden fleece can also be attached around the rose arch. Then the frost can't get to the roots and cause damage.

It doesn't always have to be roses

Even though everyone speaks of a rose arch, you may want a rose arch but don't want to become a rose grower. This is also possible without any problems, because there are some alternatives that are also suitable for planting.

An overview of some alternative plantings

PlantGrowthSpecial Features
Ivyup to 20 meters• ornamental evergreen
• moderate watering
• fertilization between autumn and spring
Knotweedup to 15 meters• fast growing
• well suited for large rose arches
Wild Wineup to 20 meters• fast growing
• decorative foliage color
• regular pruning necessary
Whistling Winchup to 10 meters• attractive leaves
• fast growth
Warning: poisonous plant