Would you like to propagate your fuchsias? This is actually quite simple. All you need is potting soil and a little patience.

Fuchsias not only adorn the balcony or terrace, they are also being used more and more in the garden as potted plants. The various fuchsia species differ greatly in their appearance. There are both low-growing species and fuchsias that can grow as tall as trees. Unfortunately, many varieties are not hardy. That's exactly why it's good to know how to propagate fuchsias and get so many plants indoors for the wintertime.
» Option 1 - propagate fuchsias by cuttings:
If you want to propagate the fuchsia from cuttings, spring is the best time to do so, as the plant then quickly forms roots. It is therefore advisable to combine the propagation of cuttings with the spring pruning.
Step 1: Obtain and prepare cuttings
Select suitable shoots that will serve as cuttings. Make sure that these are not yet lignified and have at least two pairs of leaves. If you have found suitable cuttings, cut them off below the last pair of leaves with a sharp knife and remove the leaves except for the two upper ones.
Step 2: plant cuttings
Put half of the prepared cuttings in a small pot with potting soil and water it. Now all you have to do is put a small plastic hood over the shoots and water them again and again at no more than 20 degrees and air them daily.
Tip: You can also get mini greenhouses on the market, which are ideal for growing:
Step 3: repot young plants
Within four weeks the shoots have rooted and the new fuchsia is growing and soon forms new pairs of leaves. After this time you can repot the young fuchsias in plant pots. Use a separate pot for each plant.
» Option 2 - multiply fuchsia by lowering:
There is another way you can propagate fuchsias. However, this method is more suitable for outdoor fuchsias. One speaks of sinkers. In order to win this, you should do soproceed:
Step 1: Position the sinker
Bend a fuchsia shoot sideways down straight from the mother plant. Be careful not to break off the drive. A shoot that already grows quite horizontally near the ground is ideal for this.
Step 2: Fix the sinker
Fix the shoot to the ground with a wire or a stone, for example. Make sure that one eye touches the floor. With a bit of luck it will take root.
Step 3: Separate the grown layer from the mother plant
If the roots are big enough, you can cut off the shoot from the mother plant and put it in a pot.
Option 3 - Propagate fuchsia by seeds:
After flowering, a fuchsia produces seed pods that contain individual seeds. You can also use these to multiply the fuchsia.
» Step 1: Collect and dry seeds
You have to cut open these seeds to get the seeds. Then let them dry a bit.
Tip: The seeds are also available in stores:
Step 2: Sow seeds
Now put the seeds in bowls with potting soil. Then cover with some soil, moisten slightly and cover with transparent foil.
Step 3: Air seedlings daily
Once the seeds have germinated, you must remove the foil for an hour each day to air it out.
Step 4: repot young plants
If the plants have 2 pairs of leaves, you must transplant them into larger pots. Put transparent foil over it again. After about 3 weeks, it's time to transplant the seedlings back into larger pots. Also, they have to be warm now. 20 degrees Celsius is optimal.