Trees of Gods reproduce independently. However, if you want to take the propagation into your own hands, you have two options. We'll explain them to you.

The tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) is an eye-catcher, simply because of its size, which can quickly reach 20 meters and more. Hobby gardeners value the plant for its robustness. The maintenance effort is low, the pretty flowers and the atmospheric autumn colors are also criteria that have made the tree of heaven a popular ornamental plant in our latitudes. However, the bitter ash plant from Asia can be described as a refugee from the garden. In addition to rapid growth, uncontrolled spread is also an issue that botanists are concerned about.
Preliminary considerations
› Trees of Gods are spreading fast
Propagation of the tree of heaven doesn't really seem to be an issue, because the plant actually does this on its own. If the seeds of the tree of heaven fly out, there is practically no stopping them. Small trees of gods can be found everywhere, even in cracks in walls or between flagstones in big cities, the almost indestructible plants sprout. This has already become a problem in the cities, because the tree of heaven is increasingly crowding out the native street trees.
» Tip: As an invasive plant, the tree of heaven is on the "black list".
So there seems to be far too many Trees of God already. However, propagation is not prohibited and there is nothing wrong with multiplying the tree of heaven and securing a specimen for your home garden. However, it should be noted in advance that the plant spreads quickly. This can be counteracted by creating a root barrier and you will have undiminished joy in the exotic growth wonders.
› In small gardens prefer a vinegar tree
Before you start propagating the tree of heaven, take a look at your garden. Is this suitable to take on this giant? It won't take six months and the plant is already a man tall. In the first few years, the tree of heaven grows particularly diligently and, depending on the location, growth heights of20 meters and more can be reached. Allotment gardeners will now throw in the towel because the tree of heaven is definitely not the right plant for them.
» Tip: The vinegar tree is an alternative in smaller gardens. The plants are visually reminiscent of the tree of heaven, but remain much smaller. A root barrier is also necessary here, because vinegar trees also spread very quickly.
A unique position is particularly important for the tree of heaven. It should also be noted that the nearest buildings should be about 20 meters away.
What methods of propagation are common?
The tree of heaven can be propagated from shoots or by seed.
➜ Propagation by shoots
Propagation through shoots is very easy. However, there should already be a growth. The tree of heaven does not have to grow on your own property. You will definitely find a specimen in the immediate vicinity from which some shoots can be cut off.
Step by step instructions
1. Cut off shoots
2. Root shoots
3. Plant shoots
Propagating the tree of heaven will be almost child's play even for inexperienced hobby gardeners. First, a still young shoot is needed. This should not be lignified yet. It is important that there are several pairs of leaves on the shoot.
Before the shoot is planted, it must be caused to develop roots. This can be done by putting it in a container with potting soil and waiting until the first shoots appear above ground. A good control over the root growth is given by placing the shoot in a glass of water. It won't take more than a week or two to have sufficient roots. The plant can now be planted at its future location.
» Tip: Propagation by shoots should take place in spring so that the young plants can develop sufficiently until winter.
➜ Propagation by seeds

Seeds of the Tree of Heaven are available in stores all year round. If you want to collect the seeds yourself, you have to wait until autumn. Then the seeds can be detached directly from the infructescences or seeds that have fallen out are collected and used for propagation.
Step by step instructions
1. Getting seeds
2. Planting seeds
3. Waiting for germination
4. Wintering the plant
5. Planting out the plant
If the seed was purchased commercially or collected locally, no furtherpre-treatment necessary. The seeds germinate at any time and can therefore be planted immediately. A planter filled with potting soil is used for this.
» Tip: Plant several seeds in the soil, as not every seed will germinate automatically.
The planter is set up bright and warm and germination will begin soon after. The young plant is overwintered in a frost-free room and can then be planted outdoors in spring.
The types of propagation with their advantages and disadvantages
✔ Shoots can be obtained quickly and easily.
✔ Pre-treatment is not necessary, the shoots can be pushed straight into water or potting soil.
✔ There is a high growth guarantee.
✘ Shoots should be cut in spring.
✘ If the plants are propagated in autumn, the young trees of heaven must be overwintered indoors, as young plants are sensitive to frost.
✔ Seeds can be collected in autumn.
✔ The plants spread the seeds widely.
✔ The seeds do not need to be pretreated, they can be placed in the ground and germinate immediately soon after.
✘ If there is no tree of heaven in the vicinity, the seeds must be purchased in stores.
✘ Since not every seed germinates, several seeds must be used.
Final Notes on the Tree of Heaven
When planting, don't forget to use a root barrier. This should not be placed too tightly around the plant so that it still has enough room to develop. If a stable root system cannot develop, the Tree of Heaven will not grow as desired and will appear stunted.
If you already own a tree of heaven, the seeds will literally grow over your head. The wind carries them away and spreads them over a large area in the area. The result is masses of young trees that sprout from the ground in spring. To prevent this, the infructescence should be removed in autumn (see article "Tree of Gods - How to keep the spread under control"). Maybe there will be one or the other hobby gardener who is looking for seeds and would like to grow a suitable tree of heaven.