In spring, magnolias always delight those who look at them with an immensely lush bloom. You can find out how to plant a magnolia here.
Magnolia bush or magnolia tree?
The magnolia has its main flowering period from March to April with the star blossom. While the tulip magnolia blooms from April to May, sometimes even into June. Magnolias are now available in specialist shops in over 100 relatively robust varieties, either as a tree (sometimes up to 10 meters high and 5.5 meters wide) or as a shrub (up to 3 meters high on average). Which form you ultimately decide on is certainly also the answer to the choice of location.
Select location
All magnolia plants prefer a mainly sunny location that is as sheltered as possible from the wind, which can also be in the south-east or south-west of your garden - which means that the magnolia location can sometimes be described as partially shaded. Most species love a humus and therefore nutrient-rich soil, which you are welcome to enrich with plenty of peat.
Plant magnolia - step by step instructions
Step 1:
Magnolias are usually offered as root ball plants. When you get home, you should first mix the loose soil of the root ball with a special potting soil and peat (keeps the pH of the soil low).
Step 2:
Then you have to prepare a generous excavation at the site (approx. double the bale size) and pour this well with water.
Step 3:
Now insert the magnolia and pile it up with the previously mixed soil (tamp down well and water heavily again).
» Tip: You must water the magnolia heavily during the first few days to ensure that it takes root in the new location.
The best time to plant all deciduous trees is late summer/autumn (up to mid-October at the latest) and early spring (up to April at the latest).
Further reading tip: cut magnolia