Winter Strawberry Tree - Tips on Location & Protection

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The strawberry tree is a real eye-catcher in the garden, especially in winter. But the cold can damage the sea cherry considerably. You can find out under which conditions the strawberry tree should be overwintered here.

The strawberry tree provides an exotic flair in our gardens and proves to be extremely robust. But in winter the plants need our help. The strawberry trees sold in Europe are not hardy. Early frosts or late frosts do not harm them, and some species are said to be able to withstand frosts down to -15 degrees. However, you should not take any risks, because the disappointment will be all the greater later when the strawberry tree dies with the first little frost.

You can now find out what absolutely has to be considered during the winter.

The Strawberry Tree in Winter

Many trees appear bare, dreary and desolate during the cold season. Not so the strawberry tree. Its actual heyday begins in late summer, when other plants have already faded. Then the small bell flowers appear. The strawberry-like fruits are ripe in November and remain an eye-catcher throughout the winter. The trees are sturdier than you might think, growing at altitudes in excess of 10,000 feet and accustomed to harsh winds and cold. Nevertheless, strawberry trees are not completely hardy in our country. In some regions, however, it should be possible to cultivate the strawberry tree outdoors all year round.

Winter strawberry tree in the garden - important facts

If you want to try to leave the strawberry tree in the garden all year round, you should consider various factors. To weigh the pros and cons, first ask yourself the following questions.

  • Which location can I offer the plant?
  • Where do I live?
  • How old is my plant?

❖ The right location

The winter location should be protected in any case. A house wall that heats up during the day and gives off heat at night is an advantage, for example. This point should definitely be considered when planting the strawberry tree, because the plants like it at allnot to be transplanted.

A sunny location is ideal for the plants. They also thrive in semi-shade, but then they bloom less lavishly. In the shade, the plant lags behind in its growth and is lazy to bloom. In winter, shady spots cool down far too quickly and the strawberry tree has little chance of surviving the cold season outdoors.

❖ Residential Area

The area in which you live is also very important for positive overwintering. Although the winters have been rather mild in recent years, there is no guarantee for the coming years. Although it is assumed that some varieties can tolerate up to -15 degrees frost, the temperatures in many regions can definitely fall below that. If you want to be on the safe side, you should find out about the winter hardiness zone where you live.

Hardy Zone - What is it?

The hardiness zones are determined on the basis of the coldest annual temperature measured on average. This zoning is internationally the same and was issued by the US Department of Agriculture. Only zones 6 to 8 are relevant for Germany. Zones 1 to 5 and 9 to 12 do not occur in our latitudes.

So look at the planting instructions and compare them with the values on site. Since the individual microclimate also plays a role, it is possible in many places to cultivate the strawberry tree in zone 7a, for example, although zone 6a is actually specified.

Hardiness zones and their requirements

  • Zone 6: Protection against frost necessary
  • Zone 7: winter protection from leaves or twigs needed
  • Zone 8: winter as bright and cool as possible in the house

Climatically favored locations:

  • Rhine Valley
  • Lake Constance area
  • Moselle
  • Saale

❖ Age of Tree

The age of the strawberry tree is also decisive for overwintering outdoors. Young plants are more sensitive than older specimens. Strawberry trees should therefore spend their first years as a container plant and only be placed on the balcony or terrace in summer. Potted plants hibernate bright and cool indoors, ideally in the conservatory.

From around the age of five, you can dare to move outdoors in climatically favorable regions. Planting out should only take place in May, when night frosts are no longer to be expected. The plants should be slowly acclimated to their new environment. Of a winter protection is also in older plantsnot foreseeable.

» Tip: The leaves and trunk are particularly vulnerable to frost and should be specially protected. Leaves, brushwood and garden fleece are suitable for this.

Storage the strawberry tree safely

If you want to be on the safe side, winter your strawberry tree indoors. Especially self-grown and younger plants are susceptible to frost and would probably be damaged. Anyone who owns a conservatory has found the ideal way to spend the winter. But the strawberry tree is also in good hands in the cold season in an unheated stairwell or a bright basement room.

» Tip: Strawberry trees in the winter quarters are not fertilized and only watered to the extent that the soil does not dry out completely.

What happens in spring?

When winter is coming to an end, the strawberry tree has to slowly get used to the changed site conditions again. From around the end of February, the plants receive more water again and on sunny days in March the little tree can already spend the midday hours on the terrace again. Then you should slowly start with the annual care measures.

Where to put potted plants?

It is not recommended to overwinter the strawberry tree outdoors in a tub, even in regions with a favorable climate. Potted plants are far more exposed to cold and frost than plants cultivated outdoors. The space in the bucket is limited. It can quickly happen that the plant pot freezes over completely and the plant dies because the roots can no longer obtain sufficient moisture and nutrients. If the plant pot is placed on a base made of wood or styrofoam, rapid freezing can be averted. Leaves, brushwood, garden fleece or special foils also protect against the cold. However, the strawberry tree is best kept in the conservatory or in the bright, cool stairwell.

» Note: Light night frosts in autumn or late frosts in spring do not usually damage the strawberry trees.