Care for laburnum - tips for watering, fertilizing & Cutting

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The laburnum is an easy-care and undemanding plant. A few care measures are required to produce numerous flowers.

With its eye-catching golden flower clusters, laburnum is a real eye-catcher in parks and gardens. In addition, it is a plant that makes few demands and is therefore also suitable for rather inexperienced hobby gardeners. The plants prefer a solitary position in the garden and become a popular pasture for butterflies.

In order for the plants to grow luxuriantly and bloom profusely, there are still a few care instructions to be observed. Find out now what they are.

Golregen care instructions - that's what matters

❖ Casting:

If the laburnum is planted outdoors, the plant requires little care. As a rule, the laburnum supplies itself with sufficient moisture via its roots. Nevertheless, you should not lose sight of the shrub. In particularly dry summers, a watering can or hose should be used to help. The plants do not tolerate being completely dried out over a longer period of time. A sure instinct is always required when watering, because the soil must not appear too soaked. Because even waterlogging doesn't get the legume family.

Coming soon:

  • only irrigate during prolonged drought
  • Soil must not dry out completely
  • Waterlogging is not tolerated

❖ Fertilize:

If the substrate provides sufficient nutrients, the laburnum does not need to be fertilized. However, since a nutrient-rich soil is preferred, the substrate should already be upgraded when planting. Compost is a long-term fertilizer with an optimal supply of nutrients.

On poor soil, the plant will develop few flowers and generally appear rather puny. Laburnums that have been weakened by pest infestation or diseases should also be given fertilizer for regeneration. There are special mixtures for flowering plants, such as this one. Make sure that the proportion of potassium and phosphate is as high as possible.

» Tip: Laburnum should be more reservedbe fertilized. Overfeeding can harm the plant.

Coming soon:

  • No fertilization necessary in nutrient-rich substrate
  • Incorporate compost as natural fertilizer
  • Use fertilizer for flowering plants
  • pay attention to a high proportion of phosphate and potassium

❖ Cutting Laburnum

Laburnum does not necessarily have to be cut. If there is nothing wrong with letting the shrub grow naturally, hobby gardeners will probably enjoy the flowers and growth habit the most.

The best time for pruning Laburnum is in early summer, when flowering is complete. If you prune the plant before June, there is a risk of removing inflorescences that are not yet fully developed and thus missing out on the lush, sunny yellow blooms.

The plants should not be cut in late winter and spring. At this time the sap flow is particularly high and the plants could bleed if pruned.

» Tip: In the event of disease or pest infestation, pruning must be carried out promptly, regardless of the season. If not pruned, pests and diseases will spread and could result in the loss of the entire plant.

❖ Recognize diseases and pests on Laburnum

As a poisonous plant, laburnum is rarely attacked by pests. However, the hardy plants can be affected by galena. This is a fungal disease that manifests itself in the form of greyish discolored leaves.

The hobby gardener should act immediately and cut back all affected parts of the plant to about 15 centimeters below the diseased areas. After cutting, dress the branches with a wound sealant, such as this one, to keep the plant from bleeding out.

The removed plant parts do not belong in the compost. There, the fungus could continue to spread unhindered.

» Tip: Dispose of the cut parts of the plant with household waste or burn them.

❖ Hibernate

Laburnum is generally hardy. However, you should not lose sight of the shrub completely. Branches can often break off under the weight of snow. Wet snow should therefore be removed regularly from the crown of the bush.

An overview of the most important care measures

Care measureExplanation
Casting• regular watering is not necessary for outdoor plants
• the plant needs in extreme droughtWater
• Soil must neither dry out completely nor appear too moist
Fertilize• No additional fertilization necessary in loose, nutrient-rich soil
• Compost to improve the soil
• Fertilizer for flowering plants
• Over-fertilization should be avoided
Cut• needs no pruning and grows bushy and full
• pruning possible in June
• pruning too early can lead to bleeding
• all immediately in the event of illness or pest infestation remove affected plant parts

Laburnum appears stunted - what to do?

If you have done everything right and the plant still appears puny and hardly blooms, then its time is probably up. The lifespan of laburnum is about 20 years. If the plant is at the end of its strength, it will no longer start flowers and will no longer grow. Then it's time to decide on a new plant and replace the old Laburnum.

Care for laburnum as a container plant

The laburnum can also be cultivated in a bucket and thus also impresses with its bloom on the balcony and terrace. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. The maintenance effort for potted plants is higher. The substrate in the tub is limited, uses up quickly and does not provide the plant with the nutrients it needs over the long term.

We have put together an overview of the most important differences:

Care measureoutdoorsin bucket
Casting• does not need to be watered regularly• no regular watering necessary
Fertilize• No fertilization necessary if the soil is rich in nutrients and well drained.• Fertilize regularly during the growth phase.
Cut• grows about five meters high and forms a luxuriant crown outdoors without any pruning being absolutely necessary• Cut potted plants as size should be checked
Wintering• hardy, needs no special protection• not hardy in the tub
• if the tub is frozen through, roots can no longer take up any nourishment and die off
• should spend the winter indoors in a bright and frost-free place

What you can do for a lush bloom

If the laburnum is happy with its location, the lush bloom will not be missing. Anyone who sticks to the golden yellow ones for as long as possibleIf you want to enjoy flower clusters, you should regularly remove the faded panicles. Then a second flowering can be expected.

» Tip: If you want to multiply laburnum, leave a few seed pods on the bush.

Is laburnum poisonous?

You have to be careful in this regard, because all parts of the laburnum are poisonous. If there are small children or pets on the property, the plant should be well shielded.

Warning: Laburnum is poisonous in all parts of the plant!

Wear gloves when gardening. Plant parts should never be put in the mouth.

The symptoms of poisoning are as follows:

  • Headache
  • Breaking sweats
  • chills
  • Paralysis

Only in very rare cases poisoning with Laburnum is fatal.