In the conservatory - just like in the garden - work never ends. This is also the case in summer when the high season is on. Find out here what there is to do in the conservatory in July.
We would like to show you a few jobs that need to be done in the conservatory in July:
- Thin shoots on tomatoes have to be broken out to get big and tasty fruits. Because these shoots only cost the plant energy unnecessarily.
- Popular plants in the conservatory include hibiscus, mallow and oleander. Anyone who now cuts ten centimeter long shoot tips as offshoots and lets them root in pots will soon have grown many new flowers.
- Withered flowers of ornamental plants should always be removed to prevent seeds from forming. Because the seed pods rob the plant of its strength.
- The air in the conservatory should never be too dry. Drought favors pests. Therefore, spray your plants with water in the morning.
If you pay attention to these little things in the conservatory and lend a hand, you will quickly be successful with your plants.