Kale nutritional values ​​- what's inside

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Green cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables in northern Germany. Not only is it delicious, it is also a real vitamin bomb. But what exactly is in the green leafy vegetables?

Green cabbage is one of the few winter vegetables and only really tastes good when it's frosted. This is because kale stores sugars during cold temperatures. This sugar is what makes the kale so flavorful.

However, if the green winter vegetables are harvested too early, they may taste very bitter afterwards. Children in particular are then rather deterred by the vitamin bomb. So if you've grown your own kale, it's better to leave it outside for a few more days - the more it can convert into sugar. Only ever harvest as much as you really need.

Ingredients of Kale

The vitamin C content is particularly noteworthy. At 105 mg, kale has more than twice the amount of vitamin C than a lemon. This can only score with 50 mg of vitamin C, for example. But not only the vitamin C content is so special here, the amount of minerals and potassium also make the kale a real vitamin and nutrient bomb.

Due to the high fiber content, kale is often seen as a fattening food. But that is by no means the case. Because the kale contains hardly any calories and only 1 g of fat per 100 g of kale. The fiber in kale fills you up faster and this feeling lasts much longer than with unhe althy snacks.

Nutritional FactsPer 100 grams
calories37 kcal
Bold1 g
Carbohydrates3 g
Sodium25 mg
Zinc0.3 mg
Beta Carotene5200 ㎍
Vitamin E1.7mg
Vitamin B10.10mg
Vitamin B20.25mg
Vitamin B60.25mg
folic acid185 ㎍
Vitamin C105mg