Multiplying mullein - 3 simple ways presented

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The mullein is a truly majestic plant that is a breeze to propagate. You have several options to do this.

Mullein comes from the figwort family and can easily be propagated in three different ways: by seed, using root cuttings or by letting nature take its course and relying on self-propagation.

In the following we explain how to proceed with each of the three variants in order to get even more of the beautiful flowers in the garden.

mullein self-replicating

If you already have mulleins in your garden and want new flowers to grow in the immediate vicinity, nature will do all the work for you. After flowering, the capsule fruits of the mullein fall to the ground and release the seeds. In the next year, seedlings will have formed without you having to do anything. All that's left for you to do is leave the he althy new generation of mulleins in place and discard sickly looking specimens over the course of the summer.

Propagating mullein by sowing

To propagate mullein by sowing, you can use the seeds of your own flowers as soon as they have turned brown to black in autumn. How to proceed:

Simply scatter the seeds where you want them and water them in dry weather. Never bury the seeds, because mulleins germinate in cold and light. So the seeds only sprout when exposed to light and low temperatures.

Sowing in plant pots is also possible in ordinary potting soil. Choose an unheated cold frame or a cool and bright place in the house for the winter. You can then place the plants in the bed next spring or early summer.

Propagating mullein by root cuttings

For propagation by root cuttings, autumn is the best time. Proceed as follows:

Step 1: Obtain root cuttings

Expose the roots of a large and he althy mullein and cut off two to four inch pieces. Do not forget,to then cover the roots again with soil.

Step 2: Prepare root cuttings

Now bevel the lower ends of the root pieces with a sharp knife and cut off the upper end straight.

Step 3: Plant root cuttings

Next, fill a pot with potting soil and plant each cutting flush with the soil. Then put a thin layer of substrate on top. Finally, moisten the cutting a little.

Step 4: Wait for roots to form

Overwinter root cuttings in the same way as mullein seeds, i.e. in a cool and light place. In the summer of the following year, additional roots and the first leaves have formed and you can place the cuttings or the mullein in the bed.

A little tip: In full sun, we recommend placing the pots in partial shade for a few days. They help the young plants to get used to the new light and temperature conditions.