The golden elm is very beautiful to look at and can also be found in smaller gardens. In order for it to thrive, you should follow a few care instructions.
Your garden has only been waiting for the golden elm. The trees offer atmospheric contrasts with their golden-yellow foliage and are a welcome solitary plant. Due to the rather small growth height, the elm can also move into smaller gardens. The golden-yellow foliage and the attractive yellow autumn colors are always an eye-catcher. The trees prove to be robust and resilient. If you follow the care instructions below, the golden elm will prove to be an easy-care and uncomplicated shrub or small tree.
Water the golden elm correctly
Golden elms need a lot of moisture. Watering should not be neglected, especially in the early years. Older plants can also absorb moisture from deeper soil layers via their taproots. Older trees only need to be watered if the drought persists. During the growth phase, the golden elms need water regularly. The soil must not dry out. At the same time, the irrigation water should be able to drain off easily. This requires a permeable soil. Persistent waterlogging endangers the roots and leads to the death of the plant.
Tip: If the leaves turn brown and the leaf tips start to curl up, they should be watered as soon as possible.
Coming soon:
- high moisture requirement
- water regularly
- Soil must not dry out
- Avoid waterlogging
- older plants need less water
Fertilize the golden elm correctly
You should not skimp on fertilizers with the golden elm. A nutrient-rich soil is favoured. Fertilization begins in spring, before the growing season begins. A complete fertilizer can be used. A calcareous fertilizer is beneficial as it will increase the pH of the soil. Another application of fertilizer can be done in summer. From the late summer should no longer be fertilized. New shoots would then not be sufficiently developed before the first frostto get through the winter unscathed.
Tip: When planting, the golden elm can receive compost and horn shavings as natural fertilizer.
Coming soon:
- high nutritional needs
- Use complete fertilizer
- Fertilizer application in spring and summer
- No more fertilizing from August
Does the golden elm have to be pruned?
The trees grow quite slowly and regular pruning is not necessary. However, if you want a certain growth form for your golden elm, you can use scissors. The trees can be limited in height and also tolerate a stronger pruning. If the shoots are too close together and interfere with each other, a thinning cut can be carried out.
Tip: Withered branches or dead leaves should be removed regularly. You can cut far into the he althy wood.
If pruning measures are necessary, a frost-free and rather cloudy day is best. Sun exposure and frost can aggravate fresh cuts and make the plant susceptible to disease and pest infestations. Anyone pruning their golden elm should not only keep an eye on the crown, but also on the ground. If a root barrier was not installed during planting, the root suckers will sprout out of the ground. These can spread far and protrude from the ground several meters away from the trunk. These above-ground root parts should be removed so that the tree does not spread uncontrollably and the spreading root network endangers other plants.
An overview of the most important care tips
Care Measure | Explanation |
Casting | The water requirement is comparatively high. Young plants need water regularly. The soil must not dry out. Older plants need less water, they draw water from the ground via the taproot. |
Fertilize | In order for the golden elm to thrive, it should be fertilized regularly. A commercially available complete fertilizer can be used. The plants also tolerate calcareous fertilizers. Compost and horn shavings are ideal natural fertilizers. |
Cut | Regular pruning is not mandatory. The crown can be thinned out if necessary. Above-ground root suckers are to be removed. A pruning is easily tolerated. |
How to propagate the golden elm ?
ThePropagation of the golden elm should better be left to a specialist. For the layman, propagation through grafting is usually too complicated and not always crowned with success.
Anyone who has already planted a golden elm in the garden can try propagating it by runners. Offshoots are increasingly forming, especially in older plants. You can carefully dig up the small trees and separate them from the mother plant. The runners are immediately set to a new location.
Relocate foothills
When choosing a location, keep in mind that the small seedling still wants to grow and can reach a height of up to ten meters. The crown is also up to five meters wide. Once the right location has been found, dig a sufficiently large planting hole. Heavy soil should be loosened before planting. If there is waterlogging, the sensitive roots are attacked and the tree could die. In order not to endanger the delicate roots, the plant should be used carefully. Then fill in the substrate and press the soil firmly. The small trees need enough water and should be watered daily after planting.
In brief:
1. Select location
2. Dig planting hole
3. Prepare substrate
4. Insert the plant carefully
5. Close the planting hole
6. Press down on the soil
7. Water the plant well
The golden elm in winter
In the cold season, the golden elm causes few problems for the hobby gardener. The plants are hardy and do not require any special protection. Bark mulch or a layer of leaves around the plant can be used to prevent the soil from drying out.