Botanical Plant Names - Origin and Meaning

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They often sound confusing, but botanical plant names always have a meaning. Our overview shows what is behind the terms.

So that botanists and plant lovers all over the world know what we are talking about, each plant has its own scientific name. Being able to identify plants means dealing with the sometimes foreign-sounding botanical names. This can turn into an interesting and rewarding activity, as botanical plant names reveal a lot about the origin, appearance and lifestyle of different plants.

Why are there botanical plant names?

The botanical plant names create a uniform language in the professional world. Botanists, scientists and gardeners all over the world know what to do with the term Taraxacum officinale. The botanical layman, on the other hand, knows names such as dandelion, buttercup, meadow lettuce or sow flower for the dandelion. This is just one example of tens of thousands of plants whose names would cause general perplexity and confusion if there were no uniform and generally understandable name.

A look into the history books

Carl von Linné can be described as the pioneer of botanical plant names. The botanist wrote his groundbreaking work "Species Plantarum" in 1753. Scientific names for plants existed much earlier. Linnaeus made nomenclature more systematic, introducing generic names and the classification of plants into species, genera, and families. This system is called binary nomenclature.

When assigning botanical names to plants, Linné and his successors used old names, some of which date back to antiquity, or gave new names. There are various aspects to consider when choosing a name. These are explained in more detail below.

Botanical Plant Names by Habitat

The preferred habitats are often found as part of the plant name. Certain genera are further subdivided into individual species based on different site requirements.


common plant namebotanicalPlant Nameword origin
Fence Morning GloryCalystegia sepiumSaepes=fence (Latin)
Brown AvensGeum rivaleRivus=Bach (Latin)
Meadow CranesbillGeranium pratensePratum=Meadow (Latin)
Swamp CranesbillGeranium palustrePalus=swamp (Latin)
River and Pond HorsetailEquisetum fluviatileFluvius=river (Latin)

Botanical Plant Names by Growth Form

Many botanical plant names also allow deductions to be made about the growth form of the plants.


common plant namebotanical plant nameword origin
Silver ThistleCarlina acauliskaulos=stalk (Greek)
Stemless Spear ThistleCirsium acauleAkaulos=stemless (Greek)
windsConvolvulusConvolvere=to wind (Latin)
Creeping ButtercupRanunculus repensRepens=creeping (Latin)
IvyHedera helixHelix=turn (Greek)

Botanical Plant Names by Flower Shape

A clue to the shape of the flower is often included in the botanical name.

common plant namebotanical plant nameword origin
DaisyChrysanthemum leucanthemumChrysos=gold (Greek)
FrauenschuhCypripediumCypris=Venus (Latin)
DeadnettleLamiumLamos=gorge (Greek)
StarwortStellariaStellaris=Star-shaped (Latin)
AsterAsterStella=Star (Latin)

Botanical Plant Names by People

Many plant names are given in honor of people who discovered, bred or described these species. These are usually botanists, gardeners or explorers.


» Did you know? «

Plant names derived from people can be recognized by the endings "ii", "ianus" or "ianum".

heldreichii - Theodor von Heldreich (DirectorAthens Botanical Garden)
ledebourii - C.F. von Ledebour (Director Botanical Garden Dorpat)
fortunei - R. Fortune (English botanist and technical writer)
sieboldianus - P.F. by Siebold (German botanist Asian researcher)

Botanical names of plants according to legendary figures

The names of various plants hide names of legendary figures.

Yarrow (Achillea) - Greek mythical hero Achilles
Adonis (Adonis flammea) - Adonis, beloved of Venus
Dog's mercury (Mercurialis) - Greek god Mercury
Water lily (Nymphaea) - nymph, female nature deity

Botanical Plant Names by Country and Region

If geographical names are found in the plant designations, this allows a conclusion to be drawn about the distribution area. Many alpine plants are called alpina or montana.


common plant namebotanical plant nameArea of distribution
Canary SpurgeEuphorbia canariensisCanary Islands
Alpine ToadflaxLinaria alpinaAlpenraum
Golden PoppyEschholzia californicaCalifornia
Canadian GoldenrodSolidago canadensisCanada

Botanical names according to properties

aculcatus - prickly
acutifolius - pointed-leaved
baccatus - berry-bearingbrachhypodus - short-stalked
alatus - winged
acuminatus - long and acuminate

Botanical Plant Names by Color

album - white
argenteum - silvery
aureum - golden
azureus - blueflava - yellow
rubra - red
rosea - pink
variegata - variegated

Botanical terms using the example of orchids


A hybrid is a cross between two species or genera. In the case of orchids, crosses also occur between the genera. One then speaks of multi-genus hybrids.


These plants grow on the bark of other plants. In addition to orchids, this also applies to mosses and ferns.


These are plants that grow on stones and rocks.


This is a growth form in which the orchid grows upwards from a stem.


The thickened corms of theOrchids, which serve as a storage organ.

Selection of plant names for new breeds

In addition to the botanical name, breeding plants are provided with a variety or trade name. Botanical names were also used for old varieties and the growth form, flower color or distribution area were described.

Today, breeders choose the variety name themselves. Many plant lovers let their creativity run free. In addition to the respective species name, the most diverse variety names can be found at the end. These can be fantasy names, celebrities and personalities or the naming of sponsors. The breeders have their creations protected by copyright. The trend towards English variety names such as Rose “Queen Anne” or “Aspirin Rose” is catching on. These are more melodious and attract more attention in the international market.