If the fan palm gets brown leaves, there can be several reasons. In most cases, however, maintenance errors are to blame. Here we explain how to eradicate them.

Causes of Brown Leaves
As magnificent as a newly purchased fan palm may look, the picture often becomes cloudy. It is not uncommon for the lush green to turn into a dull brown, which makes the sight of the fan palm tire of us. The causes behind the discoloration are difficult to assess from a distance, especially since there are various possible reasons:
- too much water
- Drought
- broken petioles
- Nutritional Deficiency
- not enough space
- Pests
» bent petioles:
You can easily recognize broken petioles. Due to the bend in the stem, the absorbed moisture no longer reaches the tips of the leaf fronds, so that brownish discolouration slowly occurs here. Over time, the frond dies off completely. This is a protective response of the fan palm, as it focuses its own sustenance on he althy leaves and does not waste energy on fronds that are no longer beneficial to maintain. It is best to remove such fronds in late autumn.
Tip: When cutting off dried and dead leaves, don't limit yourself to just the stem. Small stalk residues remain on the trunk of the fan palm - remove these as well so that no bugs can settle here. In addition, the remains look ugly over time.
» Reading tip: Cutting the fan palm - this is how you do it right.
» Drought:
Another fairly easy to eliminate oneThe reason for brown leaves is what is probably known to every plant owner: drought. Honestly, how often do you find yourself postponing watering your plants for a… and then a… day? The prolonged drought can lead to problems, especially with tub and potted plants. The roots have no opportunity to dig deep into the ground and absorb the last bits of water there. Once a ball of soil in a bucket dries out, you have to end the drought step by step:
- Place the plant pot in a drip tray.
- Add water little by little.
- Wait for the earth to absorb the water.
- Add new water.
- Do not put the pot back into the planter until the soil is damp but no more water runs into the drip tray.
A good way to moisten completely dry soil balls is in the shower. Just place the plant in the bathtub and give it a gentle rain shower. Repeat the procedure until the soil is moist again.
Tip: Once the soil is completely dry, the irrigation water will wash the nutrients out of the soil. It therefore makes sense if you fertilize the fan palm sufficiently after the rescue operation.
» too much water:

You can tell if the soil is too moist by lifting the fan palm by the trunk with the soil. If the soil ball is extremely heavy or if water is even running out of the soil, drainage is the order of the day. To do this, you must remove the moist soil from the root ball and completely replant the fan palm. Now do the right thing. There should be gravel at the bottom of the planter, as this drains excess water from the roots and prevents the delicate root strands from standing in the water. The pot should also be in a planter or at least in a drip traystand to allow any unabsorbed water to drain away.
» Nutrient Deficiency:
Nutrient deficiency often comes from soil that is too dry, which you water vigorously. The water now washes all the nutrients out of the soil so that the palm can no longer reach it. To remedy this, you must provide the fan palm with complete fertilizer.
» not enough space:
In nature, the fan palm grows up to five meters high. It can also develop strong growth in the bucket if all the conditions are right. Especially during the growth phase in spring and summer, the fan palm continues to develop. Now it can happen that it literally outgrows its planter. This can also result in brown leaves.
But how do you know that the pot is too small? The wobble test is a handy means of detection. Check whether the palm is still stable or whether the relationship between the pot and the size of the palm causes it to wobble even with the slightest touch. If you lift the pot and discover the first roots growing out of the overflow hole, repotting is also necessary. The same is true when the soil seems to be getting thinner and you can see roots just below the surface. Repotting is now the solution to prevent brown leaves.
» Pests:
Powdery mildew and spider mites can also cause brown fronds on the fan palm. If you discover pests, you should take action against them immediately and fight them with home remedies or suitable pesticides.