Creating a chicken coop in the garden - information on construction and equipment

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Building a chicken coop may not seem so easy in the garden. With our tips you can't go wrong at all.

You can also keep chickens in smaller, private gardens (reading tip: Keeping chickens in the garden - these preliminary considerations are important). However, only if certain basic requirements for species-appropriate husbandry are met. In urban areas, for example, keeping chickens is not permitted. So you should live in a rural area. If the space available on your property is not very large, you should also opt for dwarf chickens. Because of their size alone, they can cope better with smaller areas. In addition, their urge to move is also reduced. But what is most important next to the exercise area is the chicken coop, which serves as a shelter, for laying eggs and for sleeping.

And it is precisely on this subject that inexperienced chicken keepers are at a loss. How should the chicken coop be constructed? How does it have to be equipped? We will clarify all this and many other important points in more detail below.

Hints for building a chicken coop

➤ Chicken Coop Location & Size:

Chickens generally live outside all year round. For this reason, the chicken coop must be adequately insulated so that it does not get too hot in summer and not too cold in winter. You should also always erect the stall slightly higher, because then there is no direct contact with the ground and the ground does not get damp either.

Furthermore, the floor space for a group of four to five animals should be at least three square meters. Of course bigger is better. Roughly speaking, it is always said that a maximum of five bantams or three medium-sized animals need a square meter of space in the barn. The prerequisite, however, is that the freewheel is large enough. These are the absolute minimum dimensions. Of course, the chickens feel much more comfortable in a larger area.

➤ Chicken Coop Material:

A larger garden house is ideal as a chicken coop. In any case, the chicken coop must then be high enough for you to be able to stand upright in it. If a garden house is too expensive, you can easily make one out of woodBuild your own chicken coop.

But in general it is important: Nothing works in the chicken coop without light, which is why you absolutely have to think about windows when building it. Light can also increase laying performance. However, the sun must not shine directly into the barn either, as this encourages the chickens to peck their feathers.

» Recommended reading: Sun protection in the garden - 5 options

➤ Classification of the chicken coop:

The interior of the barn does not have to be luxurious, because chickens are perfectly satisfied if their natural needs are taken into account. They only need everything to be able to feel comfortable, then they reward it with a large number of eggs.

You should divide the barn into two areas. In the smaller area you can store bedding, various implements and feed. The larger area offers space for raised perches, drinking troughs, food bowls and the laying nests. Each animal must also have its own nest.

Tips on how to equip a chicken coop

The equipment of the chicken coop does not have to cost a fortune. It is important that you can lock the stable so that no martens or foxes can get in.

»Tip: You can give your chickens additional protection with a marten deterrent.

There must be no drafts or moisture in the chicken coop. What should not be missing in the chicken coop are:

➤ Perches:

You should attach the perches at different heights so that there are no fights between the animals. The distance from the floor must be at least one meter. The bars should also be 40 centimeters from the wall so that the animals can move comfortably on them. There must be at least 25 centimeters of space per animal on the perches and the perches should ideally be 150 centimeters long.

By the way, the wood for the perches must be completely smooth so that the animals' feet are not injured. Rough material also makes it easier for mites to nest and makes cleaning more difficult.

➤ Nests:

You can either set up individual nests, or you can opt for large nests that can accommodate three chickens at once. The minimum size for a nest is 35 x 35 x 35 centimetres. The nests should be placed about 80 centimeters above the ground. All nice next to each other.

➤ manure pit/board:

Hygiene is a very important aspect when it comes to chicken coops. Justif you keep the coop neat and tidy, your chickens can also stay he althy. Unfortunately, they are susceptible to various parasites, so good hygiene is paramount. For this reason, you should install a barred manure pit or manure board under the perches. In this way, the animals do not constantly come into contact with their excretions. It also makes cleaning the stable much easier. Because once a week you have to completely muck out the stable.

➤ Sand bath:

The hens also want to clean their feathers regularly, so you should offer them a sand bath in the coop. For this purpose, you can fill a box with a mixture of coal and quartz sand.